check verb (EXAMINE )
A2 [I orT ] to makecertainthat something or someone iscorrect,safe, orsuitablebyexaminingit, him, or herquickly:
检查;核查,核对 You should always checkyouroil,water, andtyresbefore takingyourcaron alongtrip. 你每次开车长途旅行前都应当检查一下油箱、水箱和轮胎。
Customsstoppedus and checked(=searched) ourbagsfor alcoholandcigarettes. 海关人员让我们停了下来,检查我们的包里有没有烟酒。
After I'dfinishedtheexam, I checked myanswersfor mistakes. 我做完考卷后检查答案有没有错误。
Thedoctorwillcallnextweekto checkon yourprogress. 下星期医生会来检查你恢复得怎么样。
I checkon (=visits) ourelderlyneighbourevery fewdaysto makesurethat he'salright. 我每过几天就去看望我们年迈的邻居,看他是否一切都好。
[+ (that) ] I always check(that) I'veshutthewindowsbefore Ileavethehouse. 离开家前我总要检查一下,看窗户是否都已关好。
Hedouble- checked all thedoors(= checked them alltwice) beforeleavingthehouse. 他离开这幢房子前又把所有的门都检查了一遍。
Synonyms checksomething out (EXAMINE) informal
peruse formal
scan (LOOK)
study (EXAMINE)
survey (LOOK AT) formal
See also crosscheck verb (INFORMATION)
B1 [I orT ] tofindout about something:
得到信息;核实 [+ question word ] I called themyesterdayto checkwh en they werearriving. 我昨天给他们打了电话,核实他们什么时候到达。
[+ to infinitive ] If you're near thegarage, could you checkto see(=ask) if the car'sready? 要是你离修理厂不远,能去看一下车是否修好了吗?
If you'reunsureofyourlegalrights, I would checkwith (=ask) alawyer. 如果你不清楚自己的合法权利,我可以去请教律师。
It's a goodideato check theflightdeparturetimebefore youleavefor theairport. I'd like to check mybankbalance,please. Patricia has checked thereportsand canvouchfor theaccuracyof theinformation. You should haveyourteethchecked by adentistat leasttwiceayear. Remember to go overyouressaychecking forgrammarandspellingmistakesbefore youhandit in to me. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesTesting, checking and experimenting
artefact assay calibrate calibration check out crucible experimenter factorial feeler inoculate inoculation inspect putsomething to the test idiom recheck reinspect reinspection resample screening trysomething out welfare check See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Questioning people & asking questions in general
check verb (STOP )
[T ] tostopsomeone from doing or saying something, or topreventsomething fromincreasingorcontinuing:
阻碍;制止;抑制 They havebeguntovaccinatechildrenin anattemptto check thespreadof thedisease. 为了控制疾病的蔓延,他们开始给孩子们注射疫苗。
Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examplesto prevent something from happening
preventVaccination will prevent the spread of the disease. avoidLabel the boxes to avoid confusion. stopThis should stop any further trouble. avertWe had to act quickly to avert disaster. prohibitBehavioural problems in the classroom prohibit learning. checkChildren are being vaccinated in an attempt to check the spread of the disease. See more results »
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesPreventing and impeding
anti-jamming avoid avoidable bar be a drag onsomeone/something idiom bottleneck derail fireproof hamper hang havesomeone/something hanging roundyour neck idiom head off hinder prejudice prevent preventable prevention prevention is better than cure idiom scuttle smother See more results »
check verb (LEAVE )
[T ] mainlyUS
(UK usuallycheck in ) to giveyourbagstoairportemployeesto be put on aplanefor you,ratherthancarryingthem on and off theplaneyourself :
(在机场)托运(行李) I got myboardingpassand checked mysuitcase. 我已经办理了登记手续,也托运了行李。
Manyairlineschargeextrafor checkedbags/baggage/luggage . 很多航空公司对托运行李收取额外的费用。
[T ] mainlyUS toleavesomething with someone at aparticularplace, so that they can takecareof it for ashorttime:
寄存,寄放 It washotso we checkedourcoatsbefore going round thegallery. 天气太热了,所以我们先寄存了大衣再去参观画廊。
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesArrivals and departures
admission admittance advent approach arr. arrival bourne connection dep. departure descent destination entrance eta going inflow influx invasion misconnect misconnection See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Placing and positioning an object
check verb (AGREE )
[I ] mainlyUS Ifinformationchecks, itagreeswith otherinformation:
(信息)符合,吻合 Herstatementcheckswith most of the eye-witnessreports. 她的陈述与大多数目击证人的报告相吻合。
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesAccepting & agreeing
acceptance accepting accommodation accreditation agree tosomething agree withsomething approved concur currency murmur reconcile root rule seeyour way (clear) todoing something idiom self-acceptance self-acknowledged self-admitted settle onsomething sign on the dotted line idiom unanimous See more results »
check verb (MARK )
A1 [I orT ] mainlyUS
(UK usuallytick ) tomarksomething with a check:
给…标记号,勾去 Check(off) eachitemon thelistas youcompleteit. 每完成一项就在清单上把该项勾去。
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesSpecific signs and symbols
argent arrow badge Britannia checksomething off chevron coat of arms crested cross dot hallmark L-plate Maltese cross Morse code patch registered trademark semaphore service mark shield underscore See more results »
check verb (CHESS )
[T ] games specialized in thegameofchess , to put the other player'skingunderdirectattack, so that he or she isforcedtodefendagainst theattackin the nextmove
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesBoard games
backgammon bishop blitz board game castle Chinese chequers Chutes and Ladders counterplay defence draught endgame forfeit gambit pawn pin queen queenside re-roll resign square See more results »
check verb (SPORTS )
[T ] sports mainlyUS specialized in somesportssuch asicehockey , tohitorpushanotherplayerinordertotryto make thatplayerlosetheballorpuck :
He checked Stevens into theboardsandstolethepuck.
If you check aplayertoo hard, you mightinjurethatpersonor getpenalizedfor it.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesGeneral terms used in ball sports
aggregate score assist back pass backspin ballplayer bend defend hat trick in bounds idiom inbounds pass indirect free kick kicker laysomeone off loft penalty smash-mouth spot kick square ball timeout underhand See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Phrasal verbs check in
check in/check intosomething
checksomething in
checksomething off
check out
checksomething out
check up onsomeone
check noun (EXAMINATION )
B1 [C ] anexaminationof something inorderto makecertainthat it iscorrector the way it should be:
检查;核对,查核 Thesoldiersgavetheirequipmentafinalcheck before setting off. 出发前士兵们对他们的装备做了最后一次检查。
"I can'tfindmykeys." "Have another checkin/through yourjacketpockets." “我找不到钥匙了。”“在你夹克衫口袋里再找一找。”
Security checks havebecomereallystrictat theairport.机场的安全检查变得十分严格。
Thepolicearecarryingoutspot checks on(=quickexaminationsof alimitednumberof) driversover theChristmasperiodtotestforalcohollevels. 圣诞节期间,警察对司机们进行了酒精度抽检。
It's myjobtokeep a checkon stocklevels. 随时检查库存量是我的工作。
I'll justrun a checkon (=findinformationabout) thatnamefor you in thecomputer. 我这就在电脑里给你查询这个名字。
We make afortnightlycheck onsupplies. Theycarriedout the pre-flight checks. I made one last check that we had notforgottenanything. Can you have a check in thekitchentoseeif mykeysare in there? SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesTesting, checking and experimenting
artefact assay calibrate calibration check out crucible experimenter factorial feeler inoculate inoculation inspect putsomething to the test idiom recheck reinspect reinspection resample screening trysomething out welfare check See more results »
check noun (MONEY )
[C ] US spelling ofcheque UK
MicroStockHub/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesPayment methods
anti-kickback ATM card automatic withdrawal bad cheque baksheesh cashback chip commission legal tender liquefy liquid monometallic non-cash non-monetary non-money non-paying payoff pocket wave and pay whip-round See more results »
check noun (PATTERN )
[C orU ] apatternofsquaresin two or morecolours:
ashirtwith apatternofblueandyellowchecks 蓝黄相间的格子衬衫
Shecoveredthebedin ablueandwhitecheckblanket.
agreychecksuit 灰色格子西服
detshana/iStock/Getty Images Plus/Getty Images /GettyImages
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesPatterns and shapes
amorphous arabesque argyle asymmetrically asymmetry bossy filigree fishhook flecked flowery formless fretted herringbone oblong shapeless shapelessly shapelessness sigmoid snow angel swoosh See more results »
check noun (RESTAURANT )
A2 [C ] US abill in arestaurant, etc.:
账单 Can I have the check,please? 请给我结账,好吗?
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesBills & invoices
billing bond charge chit claim form counterfoil credit note mischarge passbook payslip pro forma sales slip store credit tab ticket toll tolled Treasury bond unbilled water bill See more results »
check noun (LIMIT )
hold/keepsomething in check
控制;限制;抑制 We need tofindwaysofkeepingourexpenditurein check. 我们必须想办法限制我们的开销。
See more
checks and balances
rulesintendedtopreventonepersonorgroupfrom having too muchpowerwithin anorganization:
(组织内部的)制约与平衡,制衡原则 Asystemof checks andbalancesexiststoensurethatourgovernmentistrulydemocratic. 制衡制度的存在是为了确保我们的政府真正民主。
See more Synonyms constraint
control (POWER)
curb (CONTROL)
check noun (MARK )
A2 [C ] mainlyUS
(UK usuallytick ) amark(✓) thatshowsthat something iscorrector has been done:
钩号 Put a checkby/against thenamesof thepeoplewho haveacceptedtheinvitation.在接受邀请的人的姓名上打钩。
UmbertoPantalone/ iStock / Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesSpecific signs and symbols
argent arrow badge Britannia checksomething off chevron coat of arms crested cross dot hallmark L-plate Maltese cross Morse code patch registered trademark semaphore service mark shield underscore See more results »
check noun (CHESS )
[U ] games specialized inchess , theactofdirectlyattackingthe other player'sking:
(下国际象棋时)攻王,将(对方的)军 IthinkI should havegiven check(=attackedmy opponent'sking) atmove23insteadoftryingtofindasafersquarefor therook. 我觉得下一步不应该把车移到安全位置,走到23步直接将他的军会比较好。
in check games specialized
Ifyourkingis in check inchess , it is beingdirectlyattackedby the otherplayer:
被将军的局面 Yourkingis in checkfrom myknight. 你的王被我的马将死了。
Ifyourkingis in check, you must make amovethatprotectsit.
I couldn't take herbishopbecause I was in check.
Hemovedhisqueenand put his opponent'skingin check.
You must not make anymovethat would putyourkingin check.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesBoard games
backgammon bishop blitz board game castle Chinese chequers Chutes and Ladders counterplay defence draught endgame forfeit gambit pawn pin queen queenside re-roll resign square See more results »
check noun (SPORTS )
[C ] sports mainlyUS specialized in somesportssuch asicehockey , adefensive move(=tryingtopreventscoring) in which aplayerhitsorpushesanotherplayertotryto make thatplayerlosetheballorpuck :
The check that heleveledon Branson wasperfectlylegalaccordingto therulesof thegame.
He wasinjuredon aforcefulcheck by Evans in thecenterof theice.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesGeneral terms used in ball sports
aggregate score assist back pass backspin ballplayer bend defend hat trick in bounds idiom inbounds pass indirect free kick kicker laysomeone off loft penalty smash-mouth spot kick square ball timeout underhand See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
check exclamation (YES )
mainlyUS used to say yes to someone who is makingcertainthat all the things on alisthave beendealtwith orincluded:
(用于确认所列事项已完成)是的,已照办 "Did youbringyoursleepingbag?" "Check." "Pillow?" "Check." “你带睡袋了吗?”“带了。”“枕头呢?”“带了。”
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesYes, no & not
a sure thing idiom affirmation affirmatively ain't betcha bit didn't does a bear/do bears shit in the woods? idiom far hardly not that idiom opposed slight sure wasn't weren't won't wouldn't be seen dead idiom yes you bet idiom See more results »
check exclamation (CHESS )
games specialized something you say inchess , if youdirectlyattackthe other player'sking
将军!杀棋! SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesBoard games
backgammon bishop blitz board game castle Chinese chequers Chutes and Ladders counterplay defence draught endgame forfeit gambit pawn pin queen queenside re-roll resign square See more results »
(Definition ofcheck from theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)
check verb (EXAMINE )
A2 [I orT ] to makecertainthat something or someone iscorrect,safe, orsuitablebyexaminingit, him, or herquickly
检查;核查,核对 You should always checkyouroil,water, andtyresbefore takingyourcaron alongtrip. 你每次开车长途旅行前都应当检查一下油箱、水箱和轮胎。
Customsstoppedus and checked(=searched) ourbagsfor alcoholandcigarettes. 海关人员让我们停了下来,检查我们的包里有没有烟酒。
After I'dfinishedtheexam, I checked myanswersfor mistakes. 我做完考卷后检查答案有没有错误。
Thedoctorwillcallnextweekto checkon yourprogress. 下星期医生会来检查你恢复得怎么样。
I checkon (=visits) ourelderlyneighbourevery fewdaysto makesurethat he'salright. 我每过几天就去看望我们年迈的邻居,看他是否一切都好。
[+ (that) ] I always check(that) I'veshutthewindowsbefore Ileavethehouse. 离开家前我总要检查一下,看窗户是否都已关好。
Hedouble- checked all thedoors(= checked them alltwice) beforeleavingthehouse. 他离开这幢房子前又把所有的门都检查了一遍。
B1 [I orT ] tofindout about something
得到信息;核实 [+ question word ] I called themyesterdayto checkwh en they werearriving. 我昨天给他们打了电话,核实他们什么时候到达。
[+ to infinitive ] If you're near thegarage, could you checkto see(=ask) if the car'sready? 要是你离修理厂不远,能去看一下车是否修好了吗?
If you'reunsureofyourlegalrights, I would checkwith (=ask) alawyer. 如果你不清楚自己的合法权利,我可以去请教律师。
It's a goodideato check theflightdeparturetimebefore youleavefor theairport. I'd like to check mybankbalance,please. Patricia has checked thereportsand canvouchfor theaccuracyof theinformation. You should haveyourteethchecked by adentistat leasttwiceayear. Remember to go overyouressaychecking forgrammarandspellingmistakesbefore youhandit in to me.
check verb (STOP )
[T ] tostopsomeone from doing or saying something, or topreventsomething fromincreasingorcontinuing
阻碍;制止;抑制 They havebeguntovaccinatechildrenin anattemptto check thespreadof thedisease. 为了控制疾病的蔓延,他们开始给孩子们注射疫苗。
check verb (LEAVE )
[T ] mainlyUS
(UK usuallycheck in ) to giveyourbagstoairportemployeesto be put on aplanefor you,ratherthancarryingthem on and off theplaneyourself
(在机场)托运(行李) I got myboardingpassand checked mysuitcase. 我已经办理了登记手续,也托运了行李。
Manyairlineschargeextrafor checkedbags/baggage/luggage . 很多航空公司对托运行李收取额外的费用。
[T ] mainlyUS toleavesomething with someone at aparticularplace, so that they can takecareof it for ashorttime
寄存,寄放 It washotso we checkedourcoatsbefore going round thegallery. 天气太热了,所以我们先寄存了大衣再去参观画廊。
check verb (AGREE )
[I ] mainlyUS Ifinformationchecks, itagreeswith otherinformation.
(信息)符合,吻合 Herstatementcheckswith most of the eye-witnessreports. 她的陈述与大多数目击证人的报告相吻合。
check verb (MARK )
A1 [I orT ] mainlyUS
(UK usuallytick ) tomarksomething with a check
给…标记号,勾去 Check(off) eachitemon thelistas youcompleteit. 每完成一项就在清单上把该项勾去。
check verb (CHESS )
[T ] games specialized in thegameofchess , to put the other player'skingunderdirectattack, so that he or she isforcedtodefendagainst theattackin the nextmove
check verb (SPORTS )
[T ] sports mainlyUS specialized in somesportssuch asicehockey , totryto make anotherplayerlosetheballorpuck , forexample, bypushingthem
Phrasal verbs check in
check in/check intosth
checksth in
checksth off
check out
checksth out
check up onsb
check noun (EXAMINATION )
B1 [C ] anexaminationof something inorderto makecertainthat it iscorrector the way it should be
检查;核对,查核 Thesoldiersgavetheirequipmentafinalcheck before setting off. 出发前士兵们对他们的装备做了最后一次检查。
"I can'tfindmykeys." "Have another checkin/through yourjacketpockets." “我找不到钥匙了。”“在你夹克衫口袋里再找一找。”
Security checks havebecomereallystrictat theairport.机场的安全检查变得十分严格。
Thepolicearecarryingoutspot checks on(=quickexaminationsof alimitednumberof) driversover theChristmasperiodtotestforalcohollevels. 圣诞节期间,警察对司机们进行了酒精度抽检。
It's myjobtokeep a checkon stocklevels. 随时检查库存量是我的工作。
I'll justrun a checkon (=findinformationabout) thatnamefor you in thecomputer. 我这就在电脑里给你查询这个名字。
We make afortnightlycheck onsupplies. Theycarriedout the pre-flight checks. I made one last check that we had notforgottenanything. Can you have a check in thekitchentoseeif mykeysare in there?
check noun (PATTERN )
[C orU ] apatternofsquaresformedbylinesof differentcolourscrossingeach other
(彩色)方格图案 ashirtwith apatternofblueandyellowchecks 蓝黄相间的格子衬衫
agreychecksuit 灰色格子西服
check noun (RESTAURANT )
A2 [C ] US abill in arestaurant, etc.
账单 Can I have the check,please? 请给我结账,好吗?
check noun (LIMIT )
hold/keepsth in check
控制;限制;抑制 We need tofindwaysofkeepingourexpenditurein check. 我们必须想办法限制我们的开销。
checks and balances
rulesintendedtopreventonepersonorgroupfrom having too muchpowerwithin anorganization
(组织内部的)制约与平衡,制衡原则 Asystemof checks andbalancesexiststoensurethatourgovernmentistrulydemocratic. 制衡制度的存在是为了确保我们的政府真正民主。
check noun (MARK )
A2 [C ] mainlyUS
(UK usuallytick ) amark(✓) thatshowsthat something iscorrector has been done
钩号 Put a checkby/against thenamesof thepeoplewho haveacceptedtheinvitation.在接受邀请的人的姓名上打钩。
check noun (CHESS )
[U ] games specialized inchess , theactofdirectlyattackingthe other player'sking
(下国际象棋时)攻王,将(对方的)军 IthinkI should havegiven check(=attackedmy opponent'sking) atmove23insteadoftryingtofindasafersquarefor therook. 我觉得下一步不应该把车移到安全位置,走到23步直接将他的军会比较好。
in check games specialized
Ifyourkingis in check inchess , it is beingdirectlyattackedby the otherplayer.
被将军的局面 Yourkingis in checkfrom myknight. 你的王被我的马将死了。
check noun (SPORTS )
[C ] sports mainlyUS specialized in somesportssuch asicehockey , adefensive move(=tryingtopreventscoring) in which aplayertriesto make anotherplayerlosetheballorpuck , forexample, bypushingthem
check exclamation (YES )
mainlyUS used to say yes to someone who is makingcertainthat all the things on alisthave beendealtwith orincluded
(用于确认所列事项已完成)是的,已照办 "Did youbringyoursleepingbag?" "Check." "Pillow?" "Check." “你带睡袋了吗?”“带了。”“枕头呢?”“带了。”
check exclamation (CHESS )
games specialized something you say inchess , if youdirectlyattackthe other player'sking
check | American Dictionary
check verb (EXAMINE )
[I/T ] tolookat or giveyourattentionto something to getinformation, often tohelpyoudecideif something iscorrect,safe, orsuitable:
[+ to infinitive ] Check toseewhat theweatheris likeoutside.
[T ] Ibroughtthecarto thegarageto have thebrakeschecked.
[T ] We checkedourrecordsfor anyinformationabout him.
[I ] We have aclaimforlostluggage, and we are checking into it.
[T ] Thedoctorschecked hisheartand said it wasfine.
[T ] Before youhandinyourpapers, checkyourspelling.
check verb (STOP )
[T ] tostopsomeone from doing or saying something, or topreventsomething fromincreasingorcontinuing:
Hestartedtointerruptbut checked himself and said nothing.
Theprogramisdesignedto check thespreadofmalaria.
check verb (LEAVE )
[T ] toleaveyourouterclothingorpropertytemporarilyin thecareof someoneelse, usually as aconvenience:
Let’s checkourcoatsbefore going through thegalleries.
Passengers on thisflightwill beallowedonecarry-onbag, and will have to check anyadditionalbags.
check verb (MARK )
[T ] tomarkitemsto showyourpreferences:
Check theboxcorrespondingto thecorrectanswerto eachquestion.
Phrasal verbs check in
check offsomething
check out
check out(something)
check outsomething
check out(something)
check outsomething
check up onsomeone
check noun (MONEY )
[C ] aprintedform, usedinsteadofmoney, to makepaymentsfromyourbankaccount:
I’ve got tocashmypaycheck.
Shewroteme a check for $120.
check noun (PATTERN )
[C ] apatternmade of differentcoloredsquares, or one of thesesquares:
Theshirthas apatternofblueandyellowchecks.
check noun (MARK )
[C ] asign(✓) thatshowsthat something iscorrector done or has beenexamined:
Put a check next to thenamesof thepeoplewho have alreadypaidfortheirtickets.
[C ] arequestforpaymentofmoneyowedto arestaurant, or thepieceofpaperon which it is written:
Waiter, may I have the check,please?
check noun (EXAMINATION )
[C ] theactoflookingat or givingyourattentionto something to getinformation, often tohelpyoudecideif something iscorrect,safe, orsuitable:
TheFBIdid athoroughbackgroundcheck on him(=lookedinto his pastexperienceandrelationships) .
check noun (STOP )
a way tostopsomeone from doing or saying something, or topreventsomething fromincreasingorcontinuing:
Newruleswould put a check onrisinginterestrates.
check noun (LEAVE )
[C ] theticketorsmallobjectthat you are given and that you use to get backyourcoator otherpersonalpossessionsleftin thecareof someoneelsefor ashortperiod:
IthoughtI put thecoatcheck in mypocket.
(Definition ofcheck from theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)
[I orT ] to makecertainthat something or someone iscorrect,safe, orsuitable, forexamplebyexaminingit or them, or byaskingsomeone:
When theshipmentarrived, she checked to makesurenothing wasbroken.
Asecurityofficercheckedourbagsat theentranceto thebuilding.
I'd like to check mybankbalance,please.
check on sth Thesupervisorwill check onyourprogressnextweek.
check (sth) for sth Always checkyourreportsforspellingerrorsbefore youhandthem in.
check (sth) with sb Please could you check thefigureswith thesalesmanager?
check that Check that you have all thenecessarydocumentationbefore youtravel.
[T ] topreventsomething fromincreasingorcontinuing:
Our firstpriorityis tocontrolpublicspendingand checkinflation.
Wetriedto check thespreadof therumourthat thecompanywas beingsold.
[T ] toleavesomething with someone at aparticularplace, so that they can takecareof it for ashorttime, or so it can be put on aplaneortrain:
Please checkyourcoatsat the coatroompriorto themeeting.
He checked hisbaggageassoonas he got to theairport.
Thesearticlesmay only becarriedincheckedbaggage .
[T ] to make amarknext to anitemon alist, or toclickon acheckbox on acomputerscreeninorderto make achoice:
Please check theboxabove toagreetoourtermsandconditions.
[I ] ifinformationchecks, it makes itlikelythat otherinformationistrue:
check with sth Herstatementchecks with most of the eye-witnessreports.
Phrasal verbs check in/check into sth
check sth in
check sth off
check on sb/sth
check out
check out (of sth)
check sth out
Put a check beside eachitemthat youwishtoorder.
anexaminationof something inorderto makecertainthat it iscorrector the way that it should be:
give sth a check Give theinvoiceanother check before yousealthecarton.
carry out/do a check (on/of sth) Theycarriedout a check of all theelectricalequipment.
regular/routine check Aregularcheck is done on allourequipment.
quick/thorough check All thesedocumentswill need athoroughcheck before yousendthem off.
keep a check on sth It's myjobtokeepa check onstocklevels.
Securitychecks atairportshavebecomeverystrict.
anexaminationof somebody toseeif they arehealthyor have amedicalproblem:
health/medical check Purchasers of thepolicywill berequiredtoundergoamedicalcheck.
COMMERCE US (UK bill ) apieceofpapergiven to you when you havefinishedeatingat arestaurant,showinghow muchmoneyyouowe:
Can we have the check,please?
something thatstopssomethingelsefromincreasingor gettingworse:
keep a check on sth The newadministrationisexpectedtokeepatightcheck oninflation.
act/serve as a check on sth Thesecontrolsaredesignedtoactas a check onfraud.
hold/keep sth in check
to put alimiton something so that it does notincreaseorbecomeworse:
We mustfindwaysofkeepingourexpenditurein check.
checks and balances
GOVERNMENT rulesintendedtopreventonepersonorgroupfrom having too muchpowerwithin acountryor anorganization:
Asystemof checks andbalancesexiststoensurethatourgovernmentistrulydemocratic.
Manyexecutivesamassedenormouspowerbyignoringthenormalchecks andbalancesof thefinancialworld.
See also background check
credit check
sales check
spot check
(Definition ofcheck from theCambridge Business English Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)
Examplesof check check
A quick-basic program was written to perform these tests, and was checked by comparison with hand calculations. From theCambridge English Corpus
Moreover, we provide complexity bounds for the problem in question and sketch a possible implementation method making use of dedicated systems for checking ordinary equivalence. From theCambridge English Corpus
We also routinelycheck samples before and after longer exposures even for samples that pass initial screening of radiation sensitivity. From theCambridge English Corpus
Despite these lengthy procedures, there is no in-depthcheck of the technical aspects of the project. From theCambridge English Corpus
Then it checks the ontology for any of these synonyms. From theCambridge English Corpus
Then the synthesized type is used in checking the argument part of the application. From theCambridge English Corpus
Therefore, the results do not reveal anything about the absolute or relative frequency of the themes that are checked off. From theCambridge English Corpus
It is straightforward tocheck the signs obey the partitioning condition. From theCambridge English Corpus
They should be checked very carefully before being submitted. From theCambridge English Corpus
Point-to-point intra-rater and inter-rater reliability (by a person trained in phonetics) checks on initial consonants were conducted on 10 % of the data. From theCambridge English Corpus
Due to so many checks at different levels, a false recording at the final stage of the data is unlikely. From theCambridge English Corpus
As mentioned above, interrater reliability was checked during 20 home visits with two observers. From theCambridge English Corpus
The search method is exhaustive, so it is ensured that all the necessary parameters will be visited and checked for violations. From theCambridge English Corpus
He was forced to take some steps tocheck it. From theCambridge English Corpus
It is a routine exercise tocheck that each partial recursive function is computed by such a machine. From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Collocationswith check check These are words often used in combination withcheck .
Click on a collocation to see more examples of it.
consistency check
If it finds the belief focus has become invalid, it initiates a consistency check.
From theCambridge English Corpus
final check
Plates were examined after 3-5 days with afinal check after 10 days.
From theCambridge English Corpus
maintenance check
The aircraft is at present undergoing a majormaintenance check during which time it will be extensively protected against corrosion.
From the
Hansard archive
Example from the Hansard archive. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under theOpen Parliament Licence v3.0
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.