(UKusuallyfetishisation)uk/fet.ɪʃ.aɪˈzeɪ.ʃən/us/fet̬.ɪʃ.əˈzeɪ.ʃən/anunreasonableamountofimportancethat is given to something, or anunreasonableinterestin something:
恋物癖Ithinkthere has been a fetishizationoftechnologicaltools.我认为人们对技术工具有膜拜心理。
Thesepeoplearecaughtin atoxicfetishizationofwhat theycall"theOldWay".这些人陷入了对他们所谓的“老办法”的有害迷恋之中。
asexualinterestin anobject, apartof thebodythat is not asexualorgan, or apersonas if they are anobject:
(从某物或身体某部位获得性快感的)恋物Theimagesarepresentedtastefullyand without fetishization.这些图像呈现得很有品位,没有恋物感。
- We have agunfetishizationissueinAmericaandlettingkidsplaygameswithrealisticgunsisprobablyacontributingfactor.
- Thenovelfeelslike it'stryingto say something about the fetishization ofviolenceagainst women.
- Theseimagesfeedinto a reallygrossfetishization oftranswomen, which is notgreat.
- There are manyshotsofbodilypartsin thefilm,chargedwith anelementoffascinationorevenfetishisation.
Continually thinking about
- absorb
- absorbed
- axe
- be devoured bysomethingidiom
- be hung up onsomethingidiom
- be wrapped up insomething/someoneidiom
- devour
- fixate
- fixated
- fixation
- get intosomeone
- have an axe to grindidiom
- mania
- nag
- obsessive
- obsessively
- one-track mind
- overactive
- preoccupation
- preoccupied