check box
mainlyUS(alsocheckbox)uk/ˈtʃek ˌbɒks/us/ˈtʃek ˌbɑːks/(UKusuallytick box)asmallsquareon apaperformwhere you can put atickto show that youwantsomething or that something iscorrector has beendealtwith:
勾选框Acheckboxon theregistrationformletsyousignup for theservice.注册表单上的勾选框可让您注册该服务。

asmallsquareon acomputerscreenthat youclickon to show achoice, to make thecomputerperformaparticularaction, etc. :
Topreventaprogramfromstartingup,clearthecheckboxnext to it andclickOK.
- Theybelievedthat there should be acitizenshipcheckboxon the voter-registrationform.
- There is a checkbox tooptout ofthird-partymailings.
- Iloggedon to adatingwebsiteandclickedthecheckboxesfor thekindof women I'd beinterestedindating.
- The Save Password checkbox isgrayedout so I can'tcheckit.
Official documents
- accounts
- affidavit
- aleatory
- annal
- apostille
- certify
- driving licence
- free pass
- get-out clause
- Green Paper
- Hansard
- id
- proceedings
- pt
- recertification
- recertify
- recharter
- renewable
- warrant
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Taking and choosing
Operating computers
Computer concepts