fever dream
uk/ˈfiː.və ˌdriːm/us/ˈfiː.vɚ ˌdriːm/a verystrangeexperienceorsituation, usually abadone, thatseemslike adreamratherthan like something that would reallyhappen:
As one USembassyemployeesaid to me, this is like afeverdreamthat wewakeup from and say, did we really do that?
His firstnovelis afeverdreamofpassionwhich does not have to makesense, because it is apowerfulmetaphorfordeepemotion.
- Thefilmis sounspeakablybadthat itseemslike aHollywoodwriter'sfeverdream.
- Theplaywrighttakesagroupofeverydaypeoplelivingin atypicalsmalltown, andthruststhem into afeverdreamofhatredandretribution.
- Long-distancetravelis afeverdreamwheretimeandmoodslipout ofcontrol.
- Rivera'sworkoften has thefeelof afeverdream; what isreal, and what is not, is up fordebate.
- Blake'silluminatedMilton is agloriousfeverdream.
True, real, false, and unreal
- actual
- actuality
- actually
- all that glitters is not goldidiom
- apocryphal
- faithful
- fake news
- false
- false flag
- falsely
- nothing could be further from the truthidiom
- nothing could have been further from my mind/thoughtsidiom
- parallel universe
- post-factual
- practically
- veridical
- verifiability
- verifiable
- verifiably
- verily