uk/ˈfiː.və.fjuː/us/ˈfiː.vɚ.fjuː/aherbwiththin,delicateleavesandflowerssimilarto adaisy, that is sometimes used totreatheadaches:
小白菊Manypeoplefindthat theherbfeverfew canrelieveamigraine.许多人发现小白菊可以缓解偏头痛。

emer1940/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- Theherbalremedyfeverfewshowsgoodresultsintrialsonpreventingmigraine.
- Aclayparsleypotcould havesmallplantsof feverfewpushedinto all theopenings, toflowerallsummer.
- Feverfew,nasturtiumsandchamomilewillseedthemselves in thecracksbetweenpavingstones.
- Shirleybegantaking feverfew intinctureform.
Flowers & flowering plants
- anemone
- antirrhinum
- aster
- astilbe
- aubretia
- dandelion
- delphinium
- dog rose
- dogwood
- edelweiss
- locoweed
- lotus
- lupin
- mallow
- marigold
- sweet pea
- tulip
- unscented
- verbena
- viburnum
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Alternative & traditional therapies