Fibonacci sequence
noun[Cusually singular]
mathematicsspecializeduk/fɪb.əˈnɑː.tʃi ˌsiː.kwəns/us/fɪb.əˈnɑː.tʃi ˌsiː.kwəns/(alsoFibonacci series,uk/fɪb.əˈnɑː.tʃi ˌsɪə.riːz/us/fɪb.əˈnɑː.tʃi ˌsɪr.iːz/)aseriesofnumbersin which eachnumberis thesum(=totalwhenaddedtogether)of the twonumbersthat come before it in theseries, forexample0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 ..:
斐波纳契数列TheartistworksfromtheFibonaccisequenceinmathematicsand the Golden Section in thefinearts.这位艺术家从数学中的斐波纳契序列和美术中的黄金分割得到灵感进行创作。
The interstructure of thepentagonconformsto a Fibonacciseries.五边形的内部结构符合斐波纳契数列。
- Thepianistassertsthat Debussypersistentlyappliedthe Fibonaccisequenceto anumberof hismajorworks, mostnotablyLa Mer.
- In 1971 hebeganaseriesofphotographsapplyingthe Fibonacciseriestosocialgroupings.
- Madefamousby theItalianmathematicianLeonardo De Pisa, the Fibonacciseriesholdsa Golden Ratio that isuniversallyfoundinnatureand used byarchitects,plasticsurgeons, and manyothers.
Numerical relationships
- absolute maximum
- absolute minimum
- arithmetic progression
- cardinality
- decreasing
- differential
- disproportionate
- intersect
- inverse function
- inverse proportion
- linear
- linearly
- monotonic
- percent
- percentage
- prorated
- quantile
- ratio
- recursion
- trinomial