UK(alsofibre tip)uk/ˈfaɪ.bə ˌtɪp/us/ˈfaɪ.bɚ ˌtɪp/(alsofibre-tip pen,fibre tip pen)[C]
apenthat has apointedend made of amassoffibres(=threads), used for writing andespeciallydrawing:
水彩笔Itriedtobuyaninkrefillfor my fibre-tip.我试过给我的水彩笔买墨水笔芯。
Theapplicatoris like a veryfinefibretippen.这个敷抹器就像一支非常细的水彩笔。
marksmade by apenthat has apointmade offibres:
水彩笔印Hescribbledall over it inredfibre-tip.他用红色水彩笔在上面乱涂乱画。
Justletmewashthefibretippenoff myhands.先让我把手上的水彩笔印洗掉。
- Apackof 50 multicolouredfibretipscostsjust £2.00.
- What's thebestfibre-tippenfortechnicaldrawing?
- It'sbasicallya fibre-tippenformulatedtostrengthenandconditionyournails.
- Hedrewmyportrait- myfacesurroundedby amoon, astar, acow, and afish, all done inpurplefibre-tip.
Publishing: paper & stationery
- A3
- A5
- acid-free
- assembler
- ballpoint pen
- chalk
- fountain pen
- gift wrap
- grammage
- hanging chad
- headed notepaper
- notepad
- pulp
- quill
- quire
- qwerty
- ream
- rice paper
- slate
- watermark