uk/əʊˈtɑː.kuː/us/oʊˈtɑː.kuː/pluralotakuorotakusin Japan, ayoungpersonwho is veryinterestedin andknowsa lot aboutcomputers,computergames,anime(=animatedfilms), etc., but mayfinditdifficulttotalktopeopleinreallife:
(日本的)电脑迷,电脑游戏迷,网虫Hordes of otakufilein,dressedas theirfavouritevideogamecharacters.成群结队的电脑游戏迷打扮成自己最喜欢的游戏角色,鱼贯而入。
- There is aburgeoningyounggenerationofhard-coreotaku who are toouptighttotalkto atelephoneoperatorbut who cankickasson thekeyboardof a PC.
- For otaku, the only thing thatmattersis theaccuracyof theanswer, notitsrelevance. So nopieceofinformationis tootrivialforconsideration.
- Zero, 25, aself-proclaimedotaku,flunkedout of themathsdepartmentat Tokyo's Keio University because he didn't like beingorderedaround byteachersto whom hefeltsuperior.
- -aholic
- -oholic
- -phile
- aficionado
- anglophile
- anorak
- armchair
- audiophile
- enthusiast
- faddist
- fan favourite
- fanatic
- fanboy
- nerd
- numismatist
- people watcher
- philatelist
- watcher
- Whovian
- zealot
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Inability and awkwardness