(alsoout-plot)uk/ˌaʊtˈplɒt/us/ˌaʊtˈplɑːt/-tt-to makeplans, often insecret, that are morecleveroreffectivethan those of anopponent:
He hasforgedareputationforoutwittingand out-plottingopponentsduring histimeinchargeat theclub.
Ouraimis tocounterenemystrategy, to outplot andoutmanoeuvreby anymeans.
- Tyrionenteredabitterpowerstrugglewith Cersei, andconsistentlyoutplotted her.
- TheGeneralcapturesSuzhou and Nanking before being out-plotted by his blood-brotherwarriors.
Plotting & trapping
- be in league withsomeoneidiom
- cahoots
- catchsomeoneout
- chemtrail
- chicanery
- conspiracy theory
- conspirator
- conspire
- entrap
- entrapment
- hatch
- plot
- plotter
- pretextual
- put-up job
- scheme
- setsomethingup
- snare
- sting
- trap