completed,finalorcompletelyused :
完成的;结束的;最后的How much does the finishedproductcost?最后的成品要多少钱?
UKTherebels'ammunitionisalmostfinished and it is only amatteroftimebefore theysurrender.叛乱分子的弹药就快耗尽了,他们投降只是时间问题。
Finished & over
- bar
- be (all) over bar the shoutingidiom
- be done and dustedidiom
- close
- closed
- done
- down
- endpoint
- finito
- in the canidiom
- it's a wrapidiom
- lapsed
- last
- mic
- mission
- out
- over
- see
- to the lastidiom
- wrap
finishedadjective(OF A PERSON)
[after verb]
havingcompletedaparticulartask, orstoppedusing something:
(任務)完成的;不再需要(某物)的When do youexpectto be finished?你预计什么时候结束?
Are you finishedwiththatdrill?那个电钻你用完了吗?
Finished & over
- bar
- be (all) over bar the shoutingidiom
- be done and dustedidiom
- close
- closed
- done
- down
- endpoint
- finito
- in the canidiom
- it's a wrapidiom
- lapsed
- last
- mic
- mission
- out
- over
- see
- to the lastidiom
- wrap
finishedadjective(NOT ABLE TO CONTINUE)
[after verb]
notabletocontinue, after afailureof somekind:
(失败之后)无法继续的,击垮的Thisfinancialcrisismeansthat the government'seconomicpolicyis finished.这次金融危机意味着政府的经济政策无法继续下去了。
Unsuccessful (people and things)
- abortive
- achiever
- be dead in the wateridiom
- botched
- counterproductive
- flatline
- futile
- go/get/head nowhereidiom
- inauspicious
- lame duck
- no-win
- rope
- small-time
- small-timer
- stillborn
- struggling
- unavailing
- vain
- vainly
- washed up