—phrasal verbwithfinishverbuk/ˈfɪn.ɪʃ/us/ˈfɪn.ɪʃ/
tocompletethe lastpartof something that you are doing
Iwanttofinishoff thisessaybefore I go tobed.我想写完这篇文章再上床睡觉。
- Thedecoratingisvirtuallyfinished- I just need tofinishoff thepainting.
- I'll have to take thisworkhomeandfinishit offtonight.
- Can youfinishoff thiscrosswordfor me? I'mstuck.
- She has ahabitoffinishingoff other people'ssentences.
- If youfinishoff thatessaytonight, you'll beabletorelaxandenjoytheweekend.
toeat,drink, or use the lastpartof something
We may as wellfinishoff thiswine- there's only a littlebitleft.我们还不如把这瓶酒都喝了——反正只剩下一点了。
- "Go on,finishoff thistart, Paul." "Well, itseemsashametoletit go towaste."
- Hefinishedoff hispintandstoodup toleave.
- There is a littlepaintleftin this can, so let'sfinishthat off first.
- When I'vefinishedthepullover, I mightfinishoff therestof thewoolby making somegloves.
- They'vefinishedoff all thebricks, but there's still anotherwalltobuild.