languagespecializeduk/ˌfɪn.əʊˈjuː.ɡrɪk/us/ˌfɪn.oʊˈjuː.ɡrɪk/relatedto orspeakingone of thegroupoflanguagesthatincludesEstonian,Finnish,Hungarian, and somelanguagesspokenin somepartsof Russia:
芬兰-乌戈尔语系的Finnishis a Finno-Ugriclanguage.芬兰语属于芬兰-乌戈尔语系。
- Hungarianis the mostwidelyspokennon-Indo-EuropeanlanguageinEurope, beingpartof the Finno-Ugricfamily.
- Estonia is one of only threecountries(along with Finland and Hungary) that have amajorityFinno-Ugricpopulation.
- Thevalidityof Finno-Ugric as ageneticgroupingis underchallengefromlinguists.
Language names
- Albanian
- American English
- Amharic
- Angrezi
- Aramaic
- Ebonics
- Filipino
- Flemish
- Georgian
- Greenlandic
- Gujarati
- Hawaiian
- Manx
- Mongolian
- Montenegrin
- Nauruan
- Nepalese
- Nepali
- Romany
- Semitic
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