fire escape
uk/ˈfaɪər ɪˌskeɪp/us/ˈfaɪr ɪˌskeɪp/a set ofmetalstairs,especiallyon theoutsideof abuilding, thatallowspeopletoescapefrom aburningbuilding
Maya Smith/EyeEm/GettyImages
- Assmokebillowedout,peoplewereclamberingdown thefireescapeat the back of thebuilding.
- In theeventof afire, makeyourwayimmediatelyto thenearestfireescape.
Parts of buildings: stairs & lifts
- chairlift
- chute
- drag lift
- dumb waiter
- elevator
- escalator
- flight
- ghat
- ladder
- lift
- riser
- rung
- stair
- staircase
- stairlift
- stairway
- stepladder
- stoep
- stoop