todisagreewith something or someone, often byspeakingorfightingagainst it, him, or her:
反对;反抗;抵制Theproposednewtestingsystemhas beenvigorouslyopposed byteachers.实行新考试制度的提议遭到了教师们的强烈反对。
Most of thelocalresidentsopposed theclosingof theschool.当地大多数居民反对关闭这所学校。
[+ -ing verb]I wouldcertainlyoppose changingthesystem.我当然会反对改变这一制度。
to disagree with something by speaking or fighting against it
- opposeVillagers opposed plans to widen the carriageway.
- objectNo one objected to the decision.
- defyA few workers defied the decision to strike and went in to work.
- speak out againstMore and more people are speaking out against this unpopular law.
- stand out againstMore people are standing out against the corruption of the local government.
- declare againstUKShe declared against the new airport.
- Manypeopleoppose thedeathpenaltybecause of thepossibilityofmiscarriagesofjustice.
- Themilitaryhas opposed anycutsindefencespending.
- Manylocalsarestronglyopposed to thedevelopment.
- He opposes anykindofnuclearwastebeingdumpedatsea.
- Hargreaves is the MP who got intotroublewith his party'schiefwhipfor opposing thetaxreform.
Opposing & against
- ad hominem
- alienate
- alienated
- antagonism
- antagonistic
- anti-boycott
- antithetical
- insurgent
- nimby
- nimbyism
- non-confidence
- object
- oppositional
- outcry
- protest
- raise
- resistant
- sail against the windidiom
- versus
- virulent