uk/ˈflɒs.ər/us/ˈflɑː.sɚ/asmallplasticobjectforcleaningbetweenyourteeth, or apieceofelectricalequipmentfor doing the same thing:
(清洁牙缝的)牙线;洁牙器Using a flosserdailywillhelppreventgumdisease.每天使用牙线有助于预防牙龈疾病。
Theelectricflosser is thelatestdentaltechnology,performingat 10,000strokesperminuteno less.电动洁牙器是最新的牙科技术,每分钟可以刷动不少于10000次。

IgorKovalchuk/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- Dental flossersremoveplaquefromplacesyourbrushcan'treach.
- Dr Robinsoninventedthe WaterPikautomaticflosser.
- The Oral-B Hummingbird is atinyandeminentlyportablebattery-powered flosser.
- central giant cell granuloma
- crown
- dam
- dental floss
- dental hygienist
- dental practitioner
- dental surgeon
- dentigerous cyst
- dentist
- extraction
- filling
- fluoride
- gum
- occlusion
- odontology
- oral surgeon
- orthodontic
- orthodontics
- periodontics
- periodontist