flying fox
uk/ˌflaɪ.ɪŋ ˈfɒks/us/ˌflaɪ.ɪŋ ˈfɑːks/flying foxnoun[C](BAT)
狐蝠,果蝠There are manyforestspeciesofbat,includingflyingfoxesorfruitbats.

- Fruitbatsorflyingfoxesof theOldWorldtropicseatfruitandflowersdetectedbysmell.
- Thebatsare one of severalspeciescalledflyingfoxes.
- Batsrangeinsizefrom Thailand'sbumblebeebatto Indonesia'sgiantflyingfoxwith awingspanof up to 6feet.
Wild mammals
- aardvark
- anteater
- armadillo
- Bactrian
- bandicoot
- hedgehog
- hippopotamus
- javelina
- joey
- kangaroo
- pine marten
- platypus
- polar bear
- polecat
- porcupine
- tapir
- Tasmanian devil
- Tasmanian wolf
- thylacine
- tusker
flying foxnoun[C](WIRE)
azip wire:
We had anenjoyablefour-hourtripcaving,ridingtheflyingfoxandabseiling.

snik2016/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- The mostunusualplacetostayin theparkis in Koriniti, where theflyingfoxgivesvisitorsthechancetosamplethelifestyleofmodernriversettlers.
- There is aflyingfoxto getskiinggearfrom onesideof thegorgeto the other.
Miscellaneous pastimes & their participants
- asana
- bicycling
- brass rubbing
- campanologist
- coasteering
- gearhead
- gongoozler
- gongoozling
- longboarding
- modder
- numismatics
- philatelist
- philately
- pigeon fancier
- potholing
- storm chasing
- sunbathing
- tailgating
- trainspotter
- urban exploration