form of address
uk/ˌfɔːm əv əˈdres/us/ˌfɔːrm əv ˈæd.res/pluralforms of address(alsoterm of address)a word ortitleused to refer to someone whenspeakingto themdirectly:
Where Igrewup "auntie" was arespectfulformofaddress.
"Mr Director" is hisproperformofaddress, not "congressman".
"Pop" is sometimes used as atermofaddressfor afatheror anoldman.
- Southerners in the US might use "sir" or "ma'am" asformsofaddressinalmostanycircumstance.
- Atwork, she is called "General", which is theproperformofaddressfor herjob.
- "Mademoiselle" as atermofaddressinFrenchdatesfrommedievaltimes.
- IfeltI was toooldfor "higuys!" and othermateytermsofaddress.
Names and titles
- A.N. Other
- age
- aka
- alias
- appellation
- forename
- given name
- good name
- identity
- ilk
- pen name
- pet name
- place name
- pseudonym
- pseudonymous
- trademark
- under the name ofidiom
- unidentified
- unnamed
- untitled