of orbelongingto us:
Hewalkedoff andleftus on our own.他拂袖而去,丢下我们不管。
Drugs are one of thegreatestthreatsin oursociety.毒品是对我们社会最大的威胁之一。
There's nopointin ourbuyinga newcarthisyear.我们今年买辆新车没有意义。
- Customsstoppedus andcheckedourbagsforalcoholandcigarettes.
- Our newhouseisheapsbiggerthan our last one.
- Thepoliceofficeridentifiedhimself andaskedfor ourhelp.
- It was toodarktoreadourmapand we took awrongturning.
- We were all reallytiredout after ourlongjourney.
Linguistics: possessive forms
- hers
- his
- its
- mine
- my
- ours
- S, s
- the
- their
- theirs
- thine
- thy
- us
- yer
- your
- yours
Pronouns: possessive (my,mine,your,yours, etc.)
We use pronouns to refer to possession and ‘belonging’. There are two types: possessive pronouns and possessive determiners. We use possessive determiners before a noun. We use possessive pronouns in place of a noun:…