uk/aʊt/us/aʊt/outadverb,preposition(AWAY FROM INSIDE)
used to showmovementaway from the inside of aplaceorcontainer:
Thebagbrokeand theapplesfellout.袋子裂开了,苹果掉了出来。
Heleanedout thewindow.他将身子探出窗外。
Heopenedthedrawerand took out apairofsocks.他打开抽屉,取出一双袜子。
Get out!出去!
Out you go!(= Go out!)滚出去!
Mysecretarywillseeyou out(= go with you to thedoor).我的秘书会送你出去。
Turn thetrousersinsideout(= put the inside on theoutside).把裤子翻过来。
- Don't go out withwethair- you mightcatchachill.
- He'd beenchuckedout of aclubforfighting.
- You can come out now, thecoastisclear.
- Shesmackedherbooksdown on thetableandstormedout of theroom.
- I'm just going out for abit.Seeyoulater.
From, out and outside
- al fresco
- door
- exogenous
- exterior
- external
- from
- indigenous
- inside
- non-indigenous
- open
- open-air
- out and aboutidiom
- out of
- outdoor
- outermost
- outside
- outta
- outward
- outwards
- outwith
在外面,在室外If youwaitout here, we willcallyou when thedoctorisready.你在这外面等好吗?医生很快会来请你进去的。
Danger!Keepout!(= Do notenter!)危险!不要进来!
It'sbitterlycoldout, today.今天外面真冷。
- Theweatherhadconspiredtoruintheirdayout.
- They had tosleepout after theyforgottheirtent.
- If youhangyourclothesout in thebrightsun, they willfade.
- Without asleepingbag, you wouldfreezetodeathout there on themountainside.
- The mostcommonparentaladmonitionmustsurelybe "Don'tstayout late!"
From, out and outside
- al fresco
- door
- exogenous
- exterior
- external
- from
- indigenous
- inside
- non-indigenous
- open
- open-air
- out and aboutidiom
- out of
- outdoor
- outermost
- outside
- outta
- outward
- outwards
- outwith
absentfor ashorttimefrom theplacewhere youliveorwork:
暂时外出的,暂时不在的I came around toseeyou thismorning, but you were out.今天上午我来拜访你,可是你不在。
Someone called while you were out.你出去的时候有人打电话找你。
used to refer to aperiodoftimewhen someone goes away fromhomefor asocialactivity:
出去,外出(参加社交活动)I can'tgoouttonight- I haveworkto do.今晚我不能出去了——我有活儿要干。
Do youwanttoeatout(=eatin arestaurant)tonight?今晚你想到外面去吃饭吗?
Heaskedme out(=askedme to go with him)to thecinemanextweek.他请我下周和他去看电影。
used to refer to atimewhen someone is away from themainofficeinorderto do aparticularjob:
执行外勤工作的Thethieveswerespottedby apostmanouton hisrounds(= as he wasdeliveringthepost).一个正在投递邮件的邮递员发现了小偷。
Thepolicewere outinforce(= there were a lot ofpolice)at thedemonstration.警方出动了大批警力到示威现场。
In alibrary, if abookis out, it has beenborrowedby someone:
(图书馆的书)借出的,被借走的Bothcopiesof "Wuthering Heights" were out.两本《呼啸山庄》都被借走了。
- I was out when thepostmancame.
- I'll be out allafternoon.
- Itriedtoringhim, but he alwaysseemsto be out.
- Theybrokein while he was outplayingfootball.
- Don't come roundlater- I'llprobablybe out.
- absence
- absent
- absentee
- absenteeism
- anywhere
- conspicuous
- go AWOLidiom
- in absentia
- lacuna
- miss
- missing
- missing person
- no-show
- not anywhere to be foundidiom
- nowhere
- out of stationidiom
- station
- unaccounted for
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
From, out and outside
Unavailable and inaccessible
to thepointwhere something isremovedordisappears:
去掉,清除,消失Thestainwon't come out.这个污渍去不掉。
Crossout any words that are not on thelist.将单子上没有的词全部划掉。
Never usewaterto put outfiresinelectricalequipment.电器失火时,千万不要用水灭火。
out of
used to say that no more of something isavailable:
耗尽,用完We'renearlyout ofpetrol.我们快没汽油了。
I'mrunningout ofpatience/time/money.我快没有耐心/时间/钱了。
Apparently hercampaignisnearlyout ofcash.
We need tofinishup - we'realmostout oftime.
Thelocalsupermarketwasalmostout offood.
We'realmostout ofmilk- could you get some on the wayhome?
Theyranout ofammunitionand had tosurrender.
We're out ofwater- it'sdesperate.
See also
out of(NO LONGER IN)
- Mypatienceisbeginningtorunout.
- If youthinkit'swrong,crossit out and write it again.
- Did you put thelightsoutdownstairs?
- I'vechuckedout all myoldclothes.
- Since myheartattack, I'vecutfattyfoodsoutaltogether.
From, out and outside
- al fresco
- door
- exogenous
- exterior
- external
- from
- indigenous
- inside
- non-indigenous
- open
- open-air
- out and aboutidiom
- out of
- outdoor
- outermost
- outside
- outta
- outward
- outwards
- outwith
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Removing and extracting
Unavailable and inaccessible
(insport) nolongerabletoplaybecauseyourturnis over:
(体育比赛中)出局,被淘汰Two of thebestplayerson theteamwere out after tenminutes.10分钟后该队最棒的球员中有两名出局了。
New Zealand were all outfor246(= theteamfinishedwith ascoreof 246).新西兰队全部出局,得分246分。
(inpolitics) nolongerabletogovernbecause you havelostanelection:
(政治上)不执政,在野,下台TheSocialDemocrats werevotedout after 15yearsinpower.社会民主党在执政15年后被选下了台。
- Hick was out for 56 just beforelunch.
- The lastbatsmanwas out with theteamstill 34runsshortofvictory.
- Australiawere all out for 278 intheirsecondinnings.
- Vaughan was given outlbwfor 42.
- Stewart made 46 before he was out.
Winning, losing & scoring in sport
- aet
- against the run of playidiom
- bag
- blowsomeoneaway
- close-run
- co-holder
- concede
- equalizer
- golden goal
- pull
- pull back
- reelsomethingoff
- relegation zone
- run away withsomeone
- score
- scorecard
- straight
- strike
- treble
- walk itidiom
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
to manypeople:
给(许多人),分发Theteachergaveouttestbooksto all thestudents.老师把测验用书分发给所有的学生。
Greenpeacesentaletterout to allitssupporters.绿色和平组织给所有的支持者都发了一封信。
- Somesoftwarecan beconfiguredtopreventchildrenfrom giving outtheirphonenumberson theinternet.
- By giving outprintedsheetsoffactsandtheories, theteachersspoon-fed us with what weneededfor theexam.
- Theclinicgives outfreecondoms.
- Wesentout theweddinginvitationsabout threeweeksago.
- He gave out aquestionnaireat the end of themeeting.
Large in number or quantity
- above and beyond sthidiom
- amount
- and then someidiom
- another
- any amount ofidiom
- bag
- half
- in bucketsidiom
- in spadesidiom
- incalculable
- innumerable
- load up onsomething
- million
- score
- super-large
- thick on the groundidiom
- tremendous
- untold
- upward(s) of
- whole
outadverb,preposition(MOVE AWAY)
spreadingout from acentralpointover awiderarea:
- Thestoneshethrewcausedripplestospreadoutacrossthelake.
- Thewakespreadout in a v-shape behind theship.
- Fromourloftyvantagepoint, we couldseethecityspreadout below us.
- Therepaymentson theloancan bespreadout over threeyears.
- Thedoughspreadsout as yourollit.
From, out and outside
- al fresco
- door
- exogenous
- exterior
- external
- from
- indigenous
- inside
- non-indigenous
- open
- open-air
- out and aboutidiom
- out of
- outdoor
- outermost
- outside
- outta
- outward
- outwards
- outwith
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Spreading and scattering
When abook,magazine,film, ormusicalrecordingis out, it isavailableto thepublic:
(书、杂志、电影、音乐带等)出版,问世Is her newbookoutyet?她的新书出版了吗?
The newmoviecomesout inAugust.新片8月份上映。
- Herlatestnovelis out at the end of themonth.
- How did youmanageto get acopyof thatbook? It's not outyet!
- I can'twaitfor hislatestmovieto come out.
- Her newalbumis out just intimeforChristmas.
- Hundreds of newmagazinescome out everyyear.
Available and accessible
- accessibility
- accessible
- atyourcommandidiom
- availability
- available
- drop
- nothing
- obtainable
- on callidiom
- on demandidiom
- on handidiom
- on/aboutyourpersonidiom
- release
- season
- stream
- unfreeze
- unfrozen
- unlock
- unobtainable
- up for grabsidiom
ableto beseen:
能看见;出现Thestarsare outtonight.今晚看得见星星。
Therainstoppedand thesuncameout(=appeared).雨停了,太阳出来了。
Inspringall theflowerscameout(=theirpetalsopened).春天里百花盛开。
- Thecloudsfinallypartedand thesuncame out.
- Themorningmisthadliftedand thesunwasstartingto come out.
- Therashhad come out all over herforearm.
- Let's go while the sun's out.
- Thesuncame out andthawedtheice.
- a mile offidiom
- discernibly
- front and centre
- full
- high-visibility
- intervisibility
- intervisible
- large
- noticeable
- prominent
- prominently
- relief
- show
- sore
- splash
- stand
- stand/stick out like a sore thumbidiom
- stick out
- visibility
- visualize
used to make themeaningof a wordstronger:
(用于增强词义)完全地,彻底地Wewalkedalldayand weretiredout(= verytired)by thetimewe gothome.我们走了一整天,回到家时累得筋疲力尽。
It's up to you tosortthis out(=dealwith itcompletely).要靠你来彻底解决它了。
- Leave it to me - I'llsortit outtomorrow.
- Try not to getworkedup , I'msurewe cansorttheproblemout.
- You must betiredout after all thatdriving- why don't you have a littlesleep?
Stressing & emphasizing
- accentuate
- accentuation
- all day longidiom
- believe
- driveyourmessage/point homeidiom
- drive/hammersomethinghomeidiom
- drop the micidiom
- exactly
- insistence
- intensely
- like blazesidiom
- misemphasis
- overemphasis
- overemphasize
- percent
- ram
- stress
- underscore
- work/laugh/freeze, etc.yourarse offidiom
- work/laugh/freeze, etc.yourass offidiom
used withverbsdescribingsoundstoemphasizetheloudnessof thesound:
大声地Hecriedout inpainas hehithishead.他撞到了头,痛得大叫。
Charlie Chaplinfilmsalways make melaughoutloud.查利‧卓别林的电影总能让我笑破肚皮。
- Theylookedat thepictureandlaughedoutloud.
- Oh, forcryingoutloud, why won't youlistento me!
- Kenscreamedout awarningtellingpeopleto get out of the way.
- I had thissuddenimpulsetoshoutout "Rubbish!" in themiddleof herspeech.
- Acryofwarningrangout.
Noise & noisy
- bash
- bashsomethingout
- blast
- boisterous
- boisterously
- booming
- cacophonous
- cacophony
- clash
- explosive
- hullabaloo
- noisy
- resonant
- rumbustious
- rumbustiously
- rumbustiousness
- stridency
- stridently
- thunderous
- tumult
outadverb,preposition(FAR AWAY)
alongdistanceaway fromland, atown, oryourowncountry:
离(大陆、城市或祖国)很远,遥远地Thefishingboatswere out atseafor threedays.渔船出海3天了。
Theyliveout in thecountry,milesfromanywhere.他们住在偏远的乡下,离哪儿都很远。
Helivedout in Zambia for sevenyears.他在赞比亚侨居了7年。
mainlyUSThe weather'sbetteroutwest(= alongdistanceaway in thewestof thecountry).西部边远地区的天气比较好。
- Shelivedout inAustraliafor alongtime.
- Helenlivedout in Oregon for twoyearsbeforemovingbackeast.
- She couldseethesailingboatsway out on thehorizon.
- Helivesout in thesuburbs.
- Theymovedout to thecountrysideafter tenyearsin thecity.
Distant in space and time
- (in) the middle of nowhereidiom
- afar
- afield
- all/the four corners of the world/earthidiom
- anywhere
- as far as the eye can/could seeidiom
- eye
- far
- farthest
- further
- furthermost
- light years awayidiom
- lonely
- middle
- remotely
- remoteness
- ultra
- ultra-distant
- virtually
- wide
If alightorfireis out, it is nolongershiningorburning:
(灯或火)熄灭When we gothome, all thelightswere out.等我们到家的时候,所有的灯都灭了。
Is thatfirecompletelyout?那火全都扑灭了吗?
Darkness & becoming dark
- blackness
- darken
- darkened
- darkly
- darkness
- deepen
- dim
- dimly
- dimness
- dingily
- inky
- matt
- pitch darkness
- shade
- shaded
- shadow
- shadowy
- sombreness
- twilight
- umbra
away from thecoastorbeach:
离岸而去(地)Is thetidecoming in or going out?潮水是在涨还是在退?
You can onlyseethebeachwhen thetideis out.只有在退潮后才能看到海滩。
- At whattimedoes thetidestartto go out?
- Thesealevelis 5metreslowerwhen thetideis out.
- Cowsgrazeon themarsheswhen thetideis out.
- At about three o'clock, thetidestartedto go out.
- Theboatswill put (out) toseaon this evening's hightide.
Terms for location & direction used at sea
- abaft
- adrift
- afloat
- aft
- aground
- amidships
- ashore
- astern
- cast
- castsomeoneadriftidiom
- deck
- fore
- inshore
- longshore
- offshore
- onshore
- overboard
- shore
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Coasts & beaches
outadverb,preposition(MADE PUBLIC)
(ofinformation) nolongerkeptsecret:
(信息)公开的(地),泄露的(地)You can'thideyourgamblinganylonger- the secret's out.你无法再隐瞒自己赌博的事了——这个秘密已经泄露出去了。
used todescribeapersonwho is notheterosexual(=sexuallyattractedto men if they are a woman and women if they are a man)or notcisgender(= having agenderthatmatchesthebodythey werebornwith)and who does notkeepthatfactsecretfrom otherpeople:
She came out threeyearsago.她公开自己是同性恋已经有3年了。
He hasn'tcomeouttohisfamilyyet.他还没有告诉家人自己是同性恋。
Is she out atwork?
- When thetruthcame out, there waspublicoutrage.
- After herdeath, it came out that she'dliedabout herage.
- Thebasicfactsof thestoryare out, but thedetailsare stillfuzzy.
- It's too late, therumoursare out now.
- Shockingrevelationsabouttheirprivatelifecame out in theSundaypapers.
Revealing secrets & becoming known
- anti-secrecy
- backchannel
- bare
- blowsomeone'scoveridiom
- blow/take the lid offsomethingidiom
- break
- declassify
- hold
- huddle
- kiss
- Queen's evidence
- rat
- rat onsomeone/something
- reintroduce
- revealingly
- revelatory
- state's evidence
- tip
- transpire
- unload
(of aballin asportsuch astennis)landingoutsideone of thelinesthatmarktheareawhere thegameisplayed:
(网球等运动中球)出界的Hethoughttheballhadbouncedon theline, but theumpiresaid it was out.他认为球落在线上,但裁判说球出界了。
- Theumpireoverruledthelinejudgewho had called theballout.
- Therefereejudgedthat theballhad gone out before theplayercrossedit.
- His secondservelandedout, giving hisopponenttwomatchpoints.
- You should haveleftthatball. It was going out.
- Theballwas just out.
From, out and outside
- al fresco
- door
- exogenous
- exterior
- external
- from
- indigenous
- inside
- non-indigenous
- open
- open-air
- out and aboutidiom
- out of
- outdoor
- outermost
- outside
- outta
- outward
- outwards
- outwith
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Tennis & racket sports
不省人事的(地),昏迷的(地);熟睡的(地)Hepassesout(=losesconsciousness)at thesightofblood.他一看到血就会昏过去。
I washiton thehead, and I must have been outcold(=completelyunconscious)for about tenminutes.我头上挨了一下,肯定昏迷了10分钟左右。
- Shepassedout when sheheardthenews.
- I couldn'tholdmybreathfor thatlongwithoutpassingout.
- It was sohotin theroom, IthoughtI was going topassout.
- Shehitherheadon theceilingandknockedherself out.
- Thesleepingtabletsknockedhim out for 18hours.
Animal physiology: sleep & sleeping
- be in the land of nodidiom
- beauty
- bed
- bunk
- bunk down
- bye-byes
- count
- delayed sleep phase pattern
- drift off
- drop
- power nap
- sleep
- slumber
- snooze
- somnolence
- soporifically
- spark out
- sparko
- take to your bedidiom
- yourbeauty sleepidiom
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Losing consciousness
outadverb,preposition(NOT ACCURATE)
不准确的,错误的,有出入的Ourestimateswere only out by a fewdollars.我们的估算只有几美元的偏差。
You were aninchout inyourmeasurements.你的测量差了一英寸。
USI'm out $25 on thistrip(= itcostme $25 more thanexpected).我这次旅行的花费超出预算25美元。
- aberrant
- abnormal
- amiss
- anomalous
- awry
- bark
- false
- false positive
- falsely
- flawed
- grossly
- invalidly
- irregular
- irregularly
- liberal
- liberally
- mal-
- quarrel
- wrongheaded
- wrongly
(used withsuperlatives)availableor inexistence:
(用于最高级后)可用地,现有地This is thebestautomaticcameraout.这是现有的最好的自动照相机。
Ithinkhe's thegreatestfootballplayerout.我认为他是目前最伟大的足球运动员。
Available and accessible
- accessibility
- accessible
- atyourcommandidiom
- availability
- available
- drop
- nothing
- obtainable
- on callidiom
- on demandidiom
- on handidiom
- on/aboutyourpersonidiom
- release
- season
- stream
- unfreeze
- unfrozen
- unlock
- unobtainable
- up for grabsidiom
used to show that aperiodoftimeisfinished:
(时间)结束的,完结的IthinkI canfinishthisprojectbefore the month's out.我觉得我在这个月结束之前能完成这个项目。
Finished & over
- bar
- be (all) over bar the shoutingidiom
- be done and dustedidiom
- close
- closed
- done
- down
- endpoint
- finished
- finito
- in the canidiom
- it's a wrapidiom
- lapsed
- mic
- over
- see
- see the last ofsomething/someoneidiom
- through
- to the lastidiom
- wrap
outadverb,preposition(NOT ACCEPTABLE)
notacceptableor notpossible:
不可接受的;不可能的Smoking isdefinitelyout among myfriends.在我的朋友中,吸烟是绝对不允许的。
Theoptionof taking on morestaffis out for themoment.雇用更多职员这一选择目前并不可行。
- be (a) no goidiom
- be on a hiding to nothingidiom
- be out ofyourleagueidiom
- cat
- chase
- ghost
- goodbye
- hope
- impossibility
- impossible
- impracticable
- in/out of the runningidiom
- league
- silk
- Sisyphean
- unachievable
- unattainable
- unfeasible
- unfeasibly
- unicorn
outadverb,preposition(NOT FASHIONABLE)
不再流行的(地);不再时髦的(地);过时的(地)Everymonththemagazinelistswhat's out and what's in(=fashionable).每个月这份杂志都会列出什么过时及什么流行。
Trousers like thatwentout(=stoppedbeingfashionable)in the 70s.像那样的裤子在70年代就过时了。
Old or old-fashioned
- age-old
- ageing
- ancient
- antediluvian
- anti-progressive
- fossilization
- fossilize
- fossilized
- frumpy
- fusty
- have hadits/yourdayidiom
- neanderthal
- outdate
- outdated
- outmoded
- outworn
- passé
- used
- vintage
- went out with the arkidiom
out forsomething/to dosomethinginformal
doing something, orintendingto do something, for anunpleasantreasonor only because it is good for you and notothers:
(常出于自私或令人不快的动机)做,意图做(或得到),蓄意She doesn't usuallyhelpthecharity- she's only out for thepublicity.她一般不资助慈善事业——她只是为了给自己扬名。
[+ to infinitive]He's always been outtocausetroublebetween us.他总是存心在我俩之间制造麻烦。
He doesn'tcareabout thecause- he's just out to makemoney.
They're only out toadvancetheirownfinancialinterests.
Thesepeopleare just out for what they can get.
Come on, she's only out for thebucks!
See also
out of
Wanting things
- ache forsomething
- acquisitive
- ambitious
- ambitiously
- angle
- angle forsomething
- desperate
- fancy
- hanker after/forsomething
- haveyoureye onsomethingidiom
- hunger
- hunger after/forsomething
- pine
- setyourheart onsomething/doing somethingidiom
- setyoursights onsomethingidiom
- shook
- sight
- someone'sheart's desireidiom
- straw
- super-ambitious
Outorout of?
We use out and out of to talk about position and direction.…Idioms
out and about
out and away
out with it!
verb[Toften passive]
uk/aʊt/us/aʊt/to makeknownthefactthat someone is notheterosexual(=attractedto men if you are a woman and women if you are a man)or cisgender(= having agenderthatmatchesthebodyyou werebornwith),especiallywhen thatpersondoes notwantotherpeopletoknow:
Hardly aweekwent by without someonefamousbeing outed.几乎每一周都有一个名人被揭露出是同性恋。
She was outed astransgenderby asleazytabloid.
uk/aʊt/us/aʊt/[Cusually singular]informal
借口,理由We mustarrangethenegotiationsso we have an out if we need it.我们必须安排好谈判,这样一旦需要我们就能有个借口。
on the outsUSinformal
People who are on the outs havearguedand are not nowfriendlywith each other:
吵架了;不友好,闹矛盾Lizzie and Tyler are on the outs again.莉齐和泰勒又闹别扭了。
He'dreportedthat he was on the outs with the child'smother.
Later thatyear, shefoundherself on the outs with Taylor.
Currently on the outs with severalmembersof her ownparty, she isunrepentant.
Harry is on the outs with hisgirlfriendagain.
Reasons and explanations
- alibi
- amplification
- apology
- argumentation
- ascribesomethingtosomething
- ascription
- ascriptive
- definition
- explain
- explication
- exposition
- extenuating
- extenuation
- flack
- idea
- key
- reason
- talk
- talk your way out ofsomethingidiom
- wherefores
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Not being friendly