very informal(alsoout-bitch)uk/ˌaʊtˈbɪtʃ/us/ˌaʊtˈbɪtʃ/to make moreunkindorcomplainingremarksthan someoneelsecan make:
Sometimessocialmediacan be sodepressingwith everyonetryingto outbitch everyoneelse.
To hisastonishment, hefoundhimself out-bitched by acolleague.
- If youstartgettingbitchywith me, youbetterbelievethat I'm going to outbitch you.
- Itbecamealong-runningwarof words with each of themtryingto out-bitch the other.
- IknowI can be abitsnarkyattimes, butevenI was out-bitched the otherdayby acustomerwe had in therestaurant.
- be/go on atsomeoneidiom
- bellyaching
- bewail
- bugger, sod, etc. this for a lark!idiom
- complain
- complaining
- create/kick up/raise a stinkidiom
- gnashing of teethidiom
- grouch
- lodge
- moaning minnie
- mutter
- nark
- protestation
- raise a rumpusidiom
- rumpus
- squawk
- vituperation
- whinging
- whiny