First Nation
uk/ˌfɜːst ˈneɪ.ʃən/us/ˌfɝːst ˈneɪ.ʃən/one of thegroupsofpeoplewhoseancestorslivedinNorthAmericabefore thearrivalof Europeans. Thistermis usedmainlyto refer to theindigenouspeoplesof theareathat is now Canada, notincludingInuitand Métispeople:
Heheadsthe Tseycum FirstNationfromnorthernVancouver Island, in British Columbia.
Theprimeministerdeliveredanofficialapologyto theassembledleadersof Canada's 1m FirstNation,Inuitandmixed-raceMetispeople.
first people
- People from thetownof Gold River,includingmany from the FirstNationband, had come down to thedocktowatchwhat washappening.
- Tragedy came in theformofsmallpox, whichalmostdestroyedthe Fort McKay FirstNation, anorthernoutpostofindigenousCanadians.
- He is thecoordinatorof Mikisew Cree FirstNationIndustry Relations in Fort McMurray.
Groups of people
- alliance
- an
- anti-gang
- assemblage
- babyboomer
- bunch
- flock
- focus group
- foursome
- fraternity
- gaggle
- mafia
- silent majority
- sisterhood
- special interest group
- splinter group
- squad
- steering committee
- suspect
- trio