flight risk
uk/ˈflaɪt ˌrɪsk/us/ˈflaɪt ˌrɪsk/[C]
someone who has beenaccusedof acrimeand isconsideredlikelytotrytoescapeout of thecountryorareabeforetheirtrialbegins:
有弃保潜逃风险人Thecourtconsidershim aflightrisk.法庭认为他有弃保潜逃风险。
Bothlawyerssaidtheirclientsaren'tflightrisksand should befreedonbail.两位律师都表示,他们的当事人没有弃保潜逃的风险,应该保释出狱。
thedangerthat someoneaccusedof acrimewilltrytoescapeout of thecountryorareabeforetheirtrialbegins:
弃保潜逃风险Ajudgemay setbondbut is notrequiredto do so -particularlyif there's aflightrisk.法官可以设定保证金,但不一定要这样做,特别是如果存在弃保逃跑风险的时候。
Factors that must be taken intoaccountincludethreatto thecommunityandflightrisk.必须考虑的因素包括对社区的威胁和弃保逃跑的风险。
- The Magistrateruledthat they wereflightrisksandorderedthemheldwithoutbail.
- Theprosecutorarguedagainstbail,describingthe women asflightrisks.
- He would beeligibleforbailbecause herepresentednoflightrisk.
- Hisstatusas amaterialwitness- as well asquestionsabout hisflightrisk-meantheneededto bekeptincustody.
- Judges usuallydenybondrequestsonlongsentencesbecause offlightrisk.
People appearing in court
- amicus
- appearance
- appellant
- co-defendant
- defence
- defendant
- eyewitness
- Jane Doe
- John Doe
- respondent
- suspect
- the accused
- undertrial
- V, v
- versus
- witness
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Court cases, orders & decisions