oven hood
UKuk/ˈʌv.ən ˌhʊd/us/ˈʌv.ən ˌhʊd/(alsocooker hood,extractor hood);(USrange hood)adeviceabove acookerthat consists of acoverwith anextractorfan(= apieceofequipmentforremovingsteam,smoke, orunpleasantsmells)inside:

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- Thesemodelshaveventsystemsthat take theplaceof theovenhood.
- There will be awoodenfloor,whitewalls, and astainlesssteelovenhood.
- While manyovenhoodsincommercialandresidentialkitchensfiltersome of thebadstuffout, some do abetterjobthanothers.
Kitchen appliances
- Aga
- air fryer
- blender
- broiler
- cafetière
- frier
- gas mark
- griddle
- grinder
- halogen hob
- liquidizer
- meat grinder
- mincer
- multicooker
- oven
- stovetop
- teakettle
- toaster
- toaster oven
- white goods