atoolwith adeepbowl-shaped end that is used todigout andmoveasoftsubstanceorpowder:
an ice-cream scoop冰激凌勺

Carolyn Taylor Photography/Stockbyte/GettyImages
theamountheldby a scoop:
一勺(或铲)的量Just one scoop ofmashedpotatofor me,please.请给我一勺土豆泥就够了。
Kitchen utensils
- bain-marie
- bakeware
- baller
- beater
- bottle opener
- cocktail stick
- coddler
- colander
- cookie cutter
- cookware
- opener
- palette knife
- parer
- paring knife
- pastry blender
- spiralizer
- spreader
- squeezer
- tin opener
- tine
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Measurements of volume: informal
astoryorpieceofnewsdiscoveredandpublishedby onenewspaperbefore all theothers:
抢先报道的新闻;独家新闻Thepapermanagedtosecureamajorscoop andbrokethescandalto theworld.这家报纸设法抢先报道了一个重要新闻,把这件丑闻公诸于世。
thelatestinformationabout something:
Talk to hisfriendsto get the scoop on hislovelife.
Ask thesalespersonfor the scoop on thebrandyou'rebuying.
News reporting & the press
- ambulance chaser
- breaking news
- bury the ledeidiom
- citizen journalism
- correspondent
- dispatch
- hot off the pressidiom
- investigative journalism
- investigative journalist
- journalism
- journalist
- journalistic
- pap
- photojournalism
- photojournalist
- press baron
- press conference
- spoiler
- the Associated Press
- the Press Association
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Gossip and rumour
tomovesomething with a scoop or with something used as a scoop:
(用勺)舀;(用铲)铲He scooped thesandinto abucketwith hishands.他用手把沙子捧进桶里。
Transferring and transporting objects
- bear
- bearer
- bike
- bike rack
- bore
- borne
- bring
- budge
- bus
- call forsomeone
- chauffeur
- convey
- portage
- post-delivery
- putsomething/someonedown
- redeliver
- redelivery
- transplant
- transport
- transportation
to get alargenumberofvotesorprizes:
大量获得(选票或奖项)Thepartyisexpectedto scoopupthemajorityof theworking-classvote.人们预料该党将赢得工人阶级的大多数选票。
Getting, receiving and accepting
- acquire
- acquisition
- awardee
- carve
- carvesomethingout (foryourself)
- draw
- earn
- fill
- get out ofsomething
- get/lay/putyourhands onsomeoneidiom
- glom ontosomething/someone
- go tosomeone
- honoree
- score
- screwsomethingout ofsomeone
- secure
- seize
- seize on/uponsomething
- snapsomethingup
- snatch
to be the firstnewspapertodiscoverandprintanimportantnewsstory:
抢在…之前报道Just as we were about topublishthestory, we were scooped by arivalpaper.正当我们打算发布这条消息时,被另一家报社抢先了一步。
News reporting & the press
- ambulance chaser
- breaking news
- bury the ledeidiom
- citizen journalism
- correspondent
- dispatch
- hot off the pressidiom
- investigative journalism
- investigative journalist
- journalism
- journalist
- journalistic
- pap
- photojournalism
- photojournalist
- press baron
- press conference
- spoiler
- the Associated Press
- the Press Association
scoop the pool
Phrasal verbs