towinor get apoint,goal, etc. in acompetition,sport, orgame:
Tennant scored in the lastminuteof thegame.
She has scored over twentygoalsfor herteamthisseason.
In Americanfootball, atouchdownscores(= isworth)sixpoints.在美式橄榄球中,攻方持球触地得6分。
She scored 18 out of 20 in thespellingtest.拼写测试满分20分,她得了18分。
to get aparticularnumberofpointson atestor in anexamination:
She did well in herexam, scoring 85, well above thenecessary60.
All theyoungstersscored well inintelligencetests.
tocountordecideon thenumberofpointssomeone gets on atestor in anexamination:
Thousands ofteachersareinvolvedinpreparingquestionsforstatetestsand in scoring theexams.
Safeguards arebuiltin toensurethat thetestsare scoredcorrectly.
[I]UK(USkeep score)
记分We need someone to score for tomorrow'smatch.我们需要一个人为明天的比赛记分。
tosucceedin anactivityor toachievesomething:
赢;成功;达到She hascertainlyscored asuccesswith herlatestnovel.
His 2018teencomedyscored withaudiences, if not withcritics.
Nearly everybombscoredahit.几乎每一枚炸弹都命中了目标。
UKYou have a lot ofpatience- that's where you scoreover(= arebetterthan)youropponents.你非常有耐心——这是你胜过对手的地方。
- Glennon scored thedecidinggoalin thefinalminuteof thematch.
- They scoredtwiceearly on in thegame.
- He scored anequalizerduring theclosingminutesof thematch.
- You scoredfullmarksin thetest- ten out of ten!
- She hascertainlyscored asuccesswith herlatestnovel.
Winning, losing & scoring in sport
- aet
- against the run of playidiom
- bag
- blowsomeoneaway
- clean
- close-run
- co-holder
- concede
- equalizer
- golden goal
- pull
- pull back
- reelsomethingoff
- relegation zone
- run away withsomeone
- scorecard
- straight
- strike
- treble
- walk itidiom
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Marks & results
Refereeing & judging in sport
Succeeding, achieving and fulfilling
to get something:
获得,得到Imanagedto score acoupleofticketsto theWorldCupfinal.我设法搞到了几张世界杯决赛的入场券。
to getillegaldrugs:
搞到,弄到(毒品)Shetriedto score somedopein anightclub.她设法在夜总会搞到一些毒品。
to havesexwith someone that you have usually justmet:
(通常指与新认识的人)发生性关系Did you score lastnight, then?那你们昨天晚上上床了吗?
Getting, receiving and accepting
- acquire
- acquisition
- awardee
- carve
- carvesomethingout (foryourself)
- draw
- earn
- fill
- get out ofsomething
- get/lay/putyourhands onsomeoneidiom
- glom ontosomething/someone
- go tosomeone
- honoree
- screwsomethingout ofsomeone
- secure
- seize
- seize on/uponsomething
- snapsomethingup
- snatch
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Drugs - general words
to make a mark orcuton thesurfaceof something hard with apointedtool, or todrawalinethrough writing:
划;刻痕于;画线于If you score thetilefirst, it will beeasiertobreak.要是先在瓷砖上划一道痕,要破开就容易多了。
See also
Cutting and stabbing
- abrasion
- bayonet
- butcher
- carve
- carving
- chisel
- chop
- impaler
- incise
- julienne
- lacerate
- lacerated
- shave
- shear
- shearing
- sheep shearing
- slash
- sliced
- slit
- snip
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Deleting writing
scoreverb(MUSICAL TEXT)
to write orchangeapieceofmusicforparticularinstrumentsorvoices:
为…写总谱;为…配乐Thispieceis scoredforstringsandwoodwind.这是为弦乐和木管乐写的总谱。
Technical music terms
- accidental
- aleatory
- antiphonal
- arpeggio
- arr.
- discord
- dissonance
- harmonic
- harmony
- key signature
- longa
- mike check
- slur
- staccato
- step
- stepwise
- syncopate
- syncopated
- syncopation
- trill
score points offsomeone
score points (with sb)
Phrasal verb
thenumberofpoints,goals, etc.achievedin agameorcompetition:
Have youheardthelatestcricketscore?你知道板球赛的最新比分吗?
Athalftime, the scorestoodat(= was)two all.半场的时候,比分是2:2。
Thefinalscore was 3–0.最终的比分是3:0。
Could youkeep(=record)the score at this afternoon'sgame?你能不能为今天下午的比赛记分?
thenumberofpointssomeone gets on atestor in anexamination:
Thetestscores of hundreds ofstudentswerecompared.
Only 939 out ofapproximately1.4 million highschoolseniorsachievedtheperfectscore.
- My score wasdepressinglylow.
- Youthrowthediceand whoever gets thehighestscore goes first.
- What was thehalf-timescore?
- The score nowstandsat 40–love.
- Thefinalscore was arespectable2–1.
General terms used in ball sports
- aggregate score
- assist
- back pass
- backspin
- ballplayer
- bend
- defend
- hat trick
- in boundsidiom
- inbounds pass
- indirect free kick
- kicker
- laysomeoneoff
- loft
- penalty
- smash-mouth
- spot kick
- square ball
- timeout
- underhand
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Marks & results
apieceof writtenmusicshowingthepartsfor all theinstrumentsandvoices:

Philippe Lissac/Photononstop/GettyImages
themusicwritten for afilm,play, etc.:
Rodgerswrotethe scorefor/of/to"Oklahoma!".是罗杰斯为《俄克拉何马!》谱的曲。
Technical music terms
- accidental
- aleatory
- antiphonal
- arpeggio
- arr.
- discord
- dissonance
- harmonic
- harmony
- key signature
- longa
- mike check
- slur
- staccato
- step
- stepwise
- syncopate
- syncopated
- syncopation
- trill
[Cusually singular]formalpluralscore
20 orapproximately20:
二十;二十左右Helivedto be three scoreyearsand ten(= until he was 70yearsold).他活到了70岁。
by the scoreformal
大量地,大批地People areleavingtheorganizationby the score.人们纷纷退出该组织。
a lot of things orpeople:
许多,大量Seanreceivedcardsfrom scoresoflocalwell-wishers.西恩收到了当地人送来的祝福卡。
Numbers: groups of things according to number
- baker's dozen
- brace
- companion
- couple
- dozen
- dyad
- dyadic
- gross
- null
- pair
- triad
- trinity
- trio
- twosome
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Large in number or quantity
Masses and large amounts of things
on this/that score
about the thing orsubjectthat has just beenmentioned:
在这个/那个问题上I'llletyou have themoney, so there's nothing toworryabout on that score.我会给你钱的,这样你就不用为钱的事担心了。
"Theteamhas a lot ofdeterminationtowin,"declaredthecoach. "I have nodoubtson that score."“我们队有十足的决心打嬴这场比赛,”教练说,“对此我毫不怀疑。”
Topics & areas of interest
- angle
- backyard
- bailiwick
- cause célèbre
- centrism
- con
- convention
- demesne
- domain
- front
- kingdom
- leitmotiv
- province
- scene
- specialism
- subject
- talk
- thematic
- theme
- topically
settle a score
what's the score?