geologyspecializeduk/ˈskɔː.ri.ə/us/ˈskɔːr.i.ə/pluralscoriaea dark-colouredrockcontaininga lot ofsmallholes,formedbylava(=hotliquidrock)from avolcano:
火山渣Thesidesof thehillwerethicklycoveredwith scoria.山坡上覆盖着厚厚的火山渣。
The scoriaefragmentsare of allsizesfromhugeblocksdown tominutegranulardust.火山残渣的碎片大小不一,从巨大的石块到细小的颗粒状灰尘都有。
- Made fromvolcanicscoria andaluminiumandweighing40tons, thesculptureis anawesomesight.
- Aftercrossingthecratericeand ashortscoriaslope, itarrivesat thesummitrocks.
- Ash, scoria andpumiceproducedduringvolcaniceruptions is called tephra.
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