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flushverb(BECOME RED)[I]When you flush, youbecomeredin theface,especiallyas aresultofstrongemotions,heat, oralcohol: 发红;脸红 She flushedwithpleasureas sheacceptedtheprize.她领奖时高兴得红光满面。 Thechampagnehadcausedhisfaceto flush.香槟使他脸色发红。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesThe skin, & skin colour - anti-wrinkle
- ashy
- beauty spot
- bloodless
- blush
- colouring
- crevice
- crimson
- cutaneous
- cutis
- drain
- florid
- freckle
- mole
- sunbath
- sunbathing
- sunburned
- suntan
- suntanned
- tanned
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Expressing and showing feelings flushverb(TOILET)[IorT]If you flush atoilet, or if atoiletflushes,itscontentsemptyand itfillswithwateragain: 冲洗(抽水马桶) Mychildrennever flushthetoiletafter them.我的孩子们用过马桶后从来不冲。 I can't get thetoiletto flush.我无法让马桶冲水。 flushsomethingdown the toilet to getridof something by putting it in thetoiletandoperatingthetoilet: 从马桶冲走Itendto flusholdmedicinesdown thetoilet.我往往用马桶冲走过期药品。 See moreSMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesBuilding: plumbing, pipes & sewage - airlock
- ballcock
- caulking
- cesspit
- cistern
- conduit
- hydrant
- influent
- mixer tap
- outfall
- overflow
- plunger
- sewage
- sewage works
- sewer
- siphon
- spigot
- standpipe
- syphon
- waterworks
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Parts of buildings: the toilet Phrasal verbsflushsomeone/somethingout flushsomeoneout flushsomethingout flushadjective(LEVEL)at the samelevelas anothersurface: (与另一平面)齐平的Iwantthelightfittingsto be flushwiththeceiling.我想让灯具配件与天花板齐平。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesStraight, even and level - be (as) flat as a pancakeidiom
- clean
- clean-cut
- cleanly
- consistency
- even
- flatness
- glassy
- level
- peg
- rhythm
- seamless
- sleek
- sleekly
- sleekness
- square
- straight
- super-smooth
- true
- ultra-smooth
See more results » flushadjective(RICH)[after verb]informalhaving a lot ofmoney: 有钱的,富有的 I've just beenpaidso I'mfeelingflush.我刚领了薪水,所以感觉挺有钱的。 Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and exampleshaving a lot of money - richShe's one of the richest women in the country.
- wealthyOliver's parents are very wealthy.
- well offAfter years of working hard, we are now quite well off.
- loadedThey don't have any money worries - they're loaded.
- flushHe's flush with cash.
See more results » SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesRich and wealthy - affluence
- bankability
- bankable
- bazillionaire
- be rolling in itidiom
- be stinking richidiom
- born with a silver spoon inyourmouthidiom
- clover
- comfortably
- creditworthy
- fat
- moneyed
- not be short of a bob or twoidiom
- prosperity
- purchasing power
- roll
- self-supporting
- strike
- strike goldidiom
- wealthy
See more results » flushnoun(RED COLOUR)[C]aredcolourthatappearsonyourfaceorbodybecause you areembarrassed,hot, etc.: (因尴尬、发热等原因)脸红,皮肤发红 Afaintpinkflushcolouredhercheeks.她的双颊泛出淡淡的红晕。  Andrew Linscott/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesThe skin, & skin colour - anti-wrinkle
- ashy
- beauty spot
- bloodless
- blush
- colouring
- crevice
- crimson
- cutaneous
- cutis
- drain
- florid
- freckle
- mole
- sunbath
- sunbathing
- sunburned
- suntan
- suntanned
- tanned
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Expressing and showing feelings flushnoun(SUDDEN FEELING)a flush of anger, excitement, pleasure,etc. asuddenstrongfeelingofanger,excitement,pleasure, etc.: 一阵愤怒/激动/高兴Lenafelta flush ofshameat thememory. See moreflushnoun(TOILET)[C]anoccasionwhen thecontentsof atoiletemptyand itfillswithwater 冲厕所 UKthehandleorbuttonthat youpushto make atoiletemptyandfillwithwater: 马桶的冲水把手(或按钮) Hepressedthe flush with hishand.他用手按下了冲水按钮。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesBuilding: plumbing, pipes & sewage - airlock
- ballcock
- caulking
- cesspit
- cistern
- conduit
- hydrant
- influent
- mixer tap
- outfall
- overflow
- plunger
- sewage
- sewage works
- sewer
- siphon
- spigot
- standpipe
- syphon
- waterworks
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Parts of buildings: the toilet Bathroom fixtures & fittings flushnoun(CARD GAMES)[C]anumberofplayingcardsheldby oneplayerthat are all from the samesuit(=colourandtype)  sleddogtwo/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesCard games - all in
- bidding
- blackjack
- busted flush
- canasta
- card sharp
- deal
- diamond
- jack
- joker
- pass
- pool
- queen
- re-raise
- rebid
- recut
- rookie card
- solitaire
- spade
- straight
See more results » (Definition offlushfrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)flushverb(BECOME RED)[I]When you flush, youbecomeredin theface,especiallyas aresultofstrongemotions,heat, oralcohol. 发红;脸红She flushedwithpleasureas sheacceptedtheprize.她领奖时高兴得红光满面。 Thechampagnehadcausedhisfaceto flush.香槟使他脸色发红。 flushverb(TOILET)[IorT]If you flush atoilet, or if atoiletflushes,itscontentsemptyand itfillswithwateragain. 冲洗(抽水马桶)Mychildrennever flushthetoiletafter them.我的孩子们用过马桶后从来不冲。 I can't get thetoiletto flush.我无法让马桶冲水。 flushsthdown the toilet to getridof something by putting it in thetoiletandoperatingthetoilet 从马桶冲走Itendto flusholdmedicinesdown thetoilet.我往往用马桶冲走过期药品。 Phrasal verbsflushsb/sthout flushsbout flushsthout flushadjective(LEVEL)at the samelevelas anothersurface (与另一平面)齐平的Iwantthelightfittingsto be flushwiththeceiling.我想让灯具配件与天花板齐平。 flushadjective(RICH)[after verb]informalhaving a lot ofmoney 有钱的,富有的I've just beenpaidso I'mfeelingflush.我刚领了薪水,所以感觉挺有钱的。 flushnoun(RED COLOUR)[C]aredcolourthatappearsonyourfaceorbodybecause you areembarrassed,hot, etc. (因尴尬、发热等原因)脸红,皮肤发红Afaintpinkflushcolouredhercheeks.她的双颊泛出淡淡的红晕。 flushnoun(SUDDEN FEELING)a flush of anger, excitement, pleasure,etc. asuddenstrongfeelingofanger,excitement,pleasure, etc. 一阵愤怒/激动/高兴 flushnoun(TOILET)[C]anoccasionwhen thecontentsof atoiletemptyand itfillswithwater 冲厕所 UKthehandleorbuttonthat youpushto make atoiletemptyandfillwithwater 马桶的冲水把手(或按钮)Hepressedthe flush with hishand.他用手按下了冲水按钮。 flushnoun(CARD GAMES)[C]anumberofplayingcardsheldby oneplayerthat are all from the samesuit 同花的一手牌 flush| American Dictionaryflushverb(BECOME RED)[I](of aperson) tobecomeredin theface: Theforceof the adrenaline-filledbloodrushingthroughyourbodycausesyou to flush. flushverb(EMPTY)[I/T]tooperateatoiletafter it has been used bypressingahandleorbutton, or (of atoilet) tooperatein this way: [T]Flush thetoiletbefore youcleanit. [I]I can’t get thetoiletto flush. Phrasal verbsflush (out)something flush outsomeone/something flushadjective,adverb(LEVEL)on the samelevelso that nopartishigherorlowerorsticksout more than another: Thesprinklersaremountedflush with theceiling. flushadjective(RICH)Theorganizationis not as flush as itoncewas. flushnoun(TOILET)[C]theactofoperatingatoiletbypressingahandleorbutton: Thetoilettankemptiesduring a flush. flushnoun(RED COLOR)[Cusually sing]areddishcoloron a person'sface: flushnoun(CARD GAMES)[C]anumberofplayingcardsheldby oneplayerthat are all from the samesuit(=type) (Definition offlushfrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)having a lot ofmoneytospendat aparticulartime: A flusheconomymeansthere's moremoneyforpeopletoinvestinproperty. If you'refeelingflushyou can alwayspayabitmore offyourdebteachmonth. Influshtimes,lendersrelaxcreditstandards. be flush with cash/moneyFirms are flush withcashandinvestingmore. be/feel flush with success/optimism, etc. to be verysuccessful, have a lot ofhopefor thefuture, etc.: Arisein thepriceofcornmeansthat manyfarmersarefeelingflush withoptimism. (Definition offlushfrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)Examplesofflushflush Polymer solutions were injected throughflush-mounted, angled slots located in both of the 57.5 cm walls of the channel.From theCambridge English Corpus They dressed and undressed themselves and used human toilets, wiping themselves, flushing, even asking to go potty during lessons and naptimes.From theCambridge English Corpus Moreover, collection of soil samples during a time when seeds are dormant eliminates confounding effects of germination flushes following collection and exposure of soil.From theCambridge English Corpus The small windows on the exterior areflushwith the outside.From theCambridge English Corpus In other words, its major breeding-places must be those that are liable to flushing by precipitation runoff.From theCambridge English Corpus The strength and velocity of the shock wave were measured with piezoelectric pressure transducers that wereflushmounted on the shock-tube walls.From theCambridge English Corpus The dry nitrogen evaporating from the dewar is also used toflushthe case, thus avoiding moisture condensation effects on the optics.From theCambridge English Corpus Leafing trees were defined as trees that bore newly flushed leaves at the time of each census.From theCambridge English Corpus Some foreign banksflushwith silver money in their coffers in some seasons of the year had to seek out borrowers.From theCambridge English Corpus The brick surfaces with theirflushglazing reinforce that curious quality.From theCambridge English Corpus The plug was inserted to beflushwith the upper plate and acted as part of the upper boundary.From theCambridge English Corpus The response variable was the number of trees flushing leaves per plot per week and the binomial totals were the corresponding total numbers of individuals.From theCambridge English Corpus The piece of jejunum was flushed with sterile saline, then further divided into 2 cm lengths.From theCambridge English Corpus An increasing time lag between maximum leaf fall and leafflushwas observed in the order evergreen, brevi-deciduous, deciduous and stem-succulent.From theCambridge English Corpus Following infection, the syringe was flushed with 5 ml of distilled water and thus remaining eggs were introduced into the mouth.From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/flush## |