informaluk/ˈfɪˈfɪ abicyclewith only onegear(= adevicethatcontrolshow muchpowergoes to thewheelsof avehicle)that cannotmoveunlessthepedalsare beingturned, often used for getting around acity:
Irecentlyrodemy friend's fixie inSanFrancisco and now Iwantone for myself.
Thebeautyof the fixie isitselegantsimplicity.

Gugurat/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- For those wholivecloseenough, justhoponyourfixie and takeadvantageofindoorbikeparking.
- From atechnologicalstandpoint,tradingtheaveragemountainbikefor a fixie is theequivalentoftradingin acomputerfor anabacus.
- If youyearnfor areturnto theclassicstylingof thebikesofyore, thissteelfixie withleathertrimticksall theboxes.
- Bikemessengersarebigfixiefans.
- backie
- backpedal
- balance bike
- bicycling
- bike path
- bike rack
- chopper
- cycle rack
- handlebar
- keirin
- kickstand
- mountain bike
- mountain biker
- mountain biking
- penny-farthing
- pushbike
- saddle
- skibob
- tandem