[Toften passive]
toofficiallymake someone apriestor otherreligiousleader, in areligiousceremony:
授予(某人)圣职He was ordained(as)apriestin Elycathedralin 1987.他于1987年在伊利大教堂被授予圣职。
Religious ceremonies & prayers
- alleluia
- amen
- anoint
- anointed
- anointment
- christening
- communicant
- communion
- confirm
- confirmation
- hosanna
- invocation
- litany
- liturgical
- sacrament
- sacramental
- thanksgiving
- the last rites
- unction
- vespers
(ofGodor someone inauthority) toordersomething tohappen:
(上帝或权威人士)命令,下令There isstrongsupporthere for thetougheconomicreformsordained in thefederalcapital, Prague.这里的人们坚决支持由联邦首都布拉格下令进行的强有力的经济改革。
[+ that]humorousI don'tknowwho came up with theidea, but thecitycouncilhas ordainedthatall thelocallibrarieswillcloseonMondays.我不知道这是谁的主意,但是市政会命令本地所有的图书馆每星期一一律闭馆。
Giving orders & commands
- all-points bulletin
- boss
- bossily
- bossiness
- bossyboots
- call forsomeone
- crack the whipidiom
- defy
- demand
- dictate
- expect
- harry
- importunate
- lay down the lawidiom
- mandate
- officious
- prescribe
- shovesomeonearound
- stick
- stick out forsomething