arequestto make,supply, ordeliverfoodorgoods:
点菜;订制;订货"Can Itakeyourorder now?" said thewaiter.侍者问:“现在可以点菜了吗?”
I would like toplace(= make)an order for alargepinetable.我想订制一张大松木桌。
aproductor amealthat has beenaskedfor by acustomer:
所订之货;所点饭菜I got anemailsaying that the order has beenshipped.我收到电子邮件说订的货已经发出了。
be on order
If something is on order, you haveaskedfor it but have notyetreceivedit:
在订购中,在订制中The newdrillingequipmenthas been on order for severalweeks.新的钻探设备已经订购有几星期了。
do/makesomethingto order
to do or make somethingespeciallyfor apersonwho hasaskedfor it:
订做,订制We makeweddingcakesto order.我们提供订做婚礼蛋糕。
- Idictatedmy order over thephone.
- Theydecidednot tohonouranexistingorder foraircraft.
- Awaiterhoveredat thetable,readyto takeourorder.
- Allourcustomerorders arehandledbycomputer.
- There's nologicin thedecisiontoreducestaffwhen orders are thehighestforyears.
Bills & invoices
- billing
- bond
- charge
- chit
- claim form
- counterfoil
- credit note
- mischarge
- passbook
- payslip
- pro forma
- sales slip
- store credit
- tab
- ticket
- toll
- tolled
- Treasury bond
- unbilled
- water bill
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Making appeals & requests
the way in whichpeopleor things arearranged, either inrelationto one another oraccordingto aparticularcharacteristic:
I can'tfindthefileI need because they're allout oforder(= they are nolongerarrangedin thecorrectway).我找不到我需要的文件,因为它们都给弄乱了。
Put thefilesinalphabetical/chronologicalorder.把文件按照字母/时间顺序放好。
mainlyUKHere's therunningorder for theconcert(= the order in which eachitemwillhappen).这是音乐会的节目单。
- Give me thedatesinchronologicalorder.
- Thenamesarepublishedinalphabeticalorder.
- I shalllistmyobjectionsto theplaninascendingorder ofimportance.
- Keepyourfilesinnumericalorder.
- Sherankedthebottlesin order ofsizealong theshelf.
Order and sequence - general words
- alphabetize
- around
- back end
- be a chapter of accidentsidiom
- catalogue
- chapter
- cycle
- inline
- linear
- linearity
- linearly
- litany
- merry-go-round
- priority
- procession
- secondly
- sequence
- sequencing
- string
- wave
B2[Coften plural]
something that someonetellsyou you must do:
指示;指令;命令Thesoldiersfiredassoonastheircommandergavethe order.指挥官一声令下,士兵们立即开火。
Soldiers mustobeyorders.军人必须服从命令。
What areyourorders?你接到了什么指示?
My orders aretosearcheveryone'sbagas they come in.我接到的命令是搜查每个进来的人的包。
Clean up thisroomimmediately- and that's an order!立刻清理好这间屋子——这是命令!
be under orders
to have been told that you must do something by someone inauthority:
命令就是命令,命令必须执行We are under orders not toallowanyone into thebuilding.我们接到命令不许任何人进入该大楼。
anofficialinstructiontellingsomeone what they can or cannot do, or a writteninstructionto abanktopaymoneyto aparticularperson
(官方的)指令;(银行)汇票- Ithinkitgallshim to take orders from ayoungerand lessexperiencedcolleague.
- Thesoldierslistenedinsilenceastheircaptaingave the orders.
- Don'tblameme, I'm onlycarryingout my orders.
- Thejudgeissuedagaggingorder topreventthewitnessesfromspeakingto thepress.
- We weresinkingfast, and thecaptaingave the order toabandonship.
Instructions and orders
- as per instructionsidiom
- brief
- briefing
- charge
- clarion call
- command
- commandment
- counter-order
- diktat
- directive
- doctor's orders
- fiat
- instruction
- interdict
- marching orders
- orders are ordersidiom
- stipulation
- unbriefed
- walkthrough
- word
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Court cases, orders & decisions
in order (forsomeone/something) to dosomething(alsoin order thatsomething)
with theaimofachievingsomething:
为了,以便He camehomeearly in order toseethekidsbefore they went tobed.他早回家是为了在孩子们睡觉前看到他们。
Iagreedto hersuggestionin ordernottoupsether.为了不让她伤心,我同意了她的建议。
- They'veintroducedallsortsof newelementsto thatprogrammein order tobroadenitsappeal.
- In order to make thecompanyviable, it willunfortunatelybenecessarytoreducestaffinglevels.
- Thepresidenttook theunusualstepofalteringhispreparedspeechin order tocondemntheterroristattack.
- Children need tofeelsecurein order to do well atschool.
- Heassumedafalseidentityin order toescapefrom thepolice.
Linguistics: connecting words which introduce a cause or reason
- as
- at
- because
- because of
- case
- courtesy
- cuz
- dint
- except
- except thatidiom
- from
- herein
- inasmuch as
- insofar as
- light
- owing to
- since
- through
- virtue
- with
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Goals and purposes
asituationin which everything isarrangedinitscorrectplace:
整齐有序Thehousewas such amessthat shespentthewholedaytryingtoestablishsomekindof order.房子里很乱,她花了一整天的时间想把它收拾得整洁一些。
leave/putsomethingin order
toorganizesomething well:
使有条理;把…整理得井井有条Itrytoleavemydeskin order when I gohome.我回家前整理了我的办公桌。
He put hisaffairsin order(= madearrangementsfor hispersonalandbusinessmatters)before he went into thehospital.他住院之前把自己的事情都安排好了。
- Theirhouseis always in apple-pie order.
- You should putyourownhousein order before youstarttellingme what to do!
- I need to put thekitchenin order before I canleave.
- Makesureyouleavethechangingroomsin order.
- We mustimposesomekindof order on the way thisofficeisrun.
Classifying and creating order
- alphabetize
- anti-hierarchical
- arrange
- arrangement
- arranger
- array
- bracket
- misclassification
- misclassify
- miscode
- mislabel
- misorder
- nest
- set out
- setsomethingup
- shake
- shakesomeonedown
- short-list
- shortlist
- tick
thestateofworkingcorrectlyor of beingsuitablefor use:
正常工作状况;良好使用状况TV forsalein (good)workingorder.出售性能良好的电视机。
Thecoffeemachineisout oforder(= notworking).咖啡机坏了。
- brokenThe microwave's broken.
- deadThe phone's dead; there must be a problem with the line.
- defunctThe TV's defunct!
- bustUKYou won't be able to watch the game, the TV's bust.
- bustedUSOh no, my laptop's busted.
- out of orderThe coffee machine was out of order.
- Thecashmachineis out of order.
- Theinspectorscheckedthat all thedocumentationwas in order.
- Iforgottotellher that myphoneis out of order.
- Thesignon theelevatorread"out of order".
- It has taken about fiveyearstorestoretheaircrafttofullworkingorder.
Machines - Functioning
- action
- actuator
- asthmatically
- deactivation
- engaged
- firesomeoneup
- function assomething/someone
- functional
- functionality
- functioning
- in commissionidiom
- light
- operate
- operational
- power
- reset
- self-driving
- start
- start (something) up
- tick over
asituationin whichrulesareobeyedandpeopledo what they areexpectedto do:
秩序Theteacherfoundit hard tokeepherclassinorder.老师发现很难维持课堂秩序。
As thedemonstrationbegantoturnviolent, thepolicewere called in torestoreorder.当示威游行开始演变成暴力活动时,警察被召来恢复秩序。
After someheateddiscussion, thechairpersoncalledthemeetingtoorder(= told everyone tostoptalkingso that themeetingcouldcontinue).经过一番热烈的讨论后,主席请与会人员安静下来。
UKIs itinorder(=allowed)for me toparkmycaroutsidethebuilding?我可以把汽车停在大楼外面吗?
anexpressionused in aparliamentor aformalmeetingto get people'sattentionand make themstoptalking, so that themeetingordiscussioncanstartorcontinue
安静!安静!(用于议会或正式会议中)- There has been acompletebreakdowninlawand order.
- Thearmyhas beenbroughtin tomaintainorder in theregion.
- Would you say the government'sstanceonlawand order hassoftened?
- Theself-declaredguardiansoflawand orderheldapressconference.
- Withoutrealisticsanctions, someteachershavedifficultykeepingorder in theclassroom.
Social order & disorder
- anarchic
- anarchism
- anarchist
- anarchistic
- anarchy
- bedlam
- disorganization
- disorganized
- ferment
- free-for-all
- havoc
- instability
- maelstrom
- riot
- rioting
- riotousness
- social exclusion
- strife
- turbulence
- turbulent
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Linguistics: interjections
(社会或政治)制度,秩序ThecollapseofCommunismat the end of the 1980sencouragedhopesof a newworldorder.20世纪80年代末,共产主义的瓦解点燃了建立世界新秩序的希望。
Systems of government
- a reign of terroridiom
- absolutism
- ancien régime
- anti-apartheid
- anti-communism
- anti-federalist
- democratically
- democratization
- democratize
- despotic
- despotically
- majority rule
- martial law
- matriarchal
- matriarchy
- meritocracy
- post-apartheid
- pre-fascist
- regime
- reign
[C,+ sing/pl verb]
agroupofpeoplewhojointogether forreligiousorsimilarreasonsandliveaccordingtoparticularrules:
monksof theCistercian/FranciscanOrder西多会/方济各会的修道士
Religious people: monks & nuns
- abbess
- abbey
- abbot
- anchorite
- ascetic
- benedictine
- flagellant
- Franciscan
- friar
- friary
- hermit
- monastery
- monastic
- monasticism
- monk
- mother
- prior
- prioress
- priory
- Trappist monk
[S,+ sing/pl verb]
agroupthatpeopleare mademembersof as arewardforservicesthey have done fortheircountry:
被授勋的人;勋爵士团He was made aknightof the Order of the Garter.他被封为嘉德勋爵士。
Royalty, aristocracy & titles
- accede tosomething
- accession
- anointed
- anti-monarchical
- anti-monarchist
- duke
- dukedom
- earl
- earldom
- emir
- Messrs
- miss
- mister
- monarch
- Royal Highness
- royal prerogative
- royalist
- Rt. Hon.
- Shah
thetypeorsizeof something:
种类,类型;规模These wereproblemsof acompletelydifferent order from anything we hadfacedbefore.这些问题同我们以前所遇到过的完全不同。
formalNosuccessfulbusinesscan berunwithoutskillsof thehighestorder(=greatskills).没有超群的才能是无法成功经营企业的。
of the order of(UKalsoin the order of)
大约,大概Thecostwill be something in the order of $500.费用大约为500美元。
General words for size and amount
- -sized
- amount
- bulk
- content
- element
- extent
- footprint
- good things come in small packagesidiom
- level
- load
- lot
- measure
- much
- number
- percent
- quota
- ration
- small-scale
- so muchidiom
- strength
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Categories and varieties
(used in theclassificationofplantsandanimals) agroupofrelatedplantsoranimals:
(用于动植物分类的)目An order is below aclassand above afamily.目低于纲,高于科。
Species & genders
- breed
- clade
- class
- cliff edge
- femaleness
- genera
- genus
- he
- holotype
- intergeneric
- male
- paramecium
- phylum
- related
- same-gender
- she
- speciesism
- strain
- suborder
- xenotransplantation
In order to
In order to is a subordinating conjunction.…So thatorin order that?
We use so that and in order that to talk about purpose. We often use them with modal verbs (can, would, will, etc.). So that is far more common than in order that, and in order that is more formal:…Idioms
orders are orders
out of order
the lower orders
the order of the day
toaskfor something to be made,supplied, ordelivered,especiallyin arestaurantorshop:
(尤指在饭店或商店)点(饭菜),订购,订制,订货I ordered somepastaand amixedsalad.我点了意大利面条和一份什锦色拉。
[+ two objects]There are noshirtsleftin thissizebut we could order oneforyou/order you one.这个尺寸的衬衫没有了,不过我们可以给您订购一件。
- Thewaitersmiledcontemptuouslyat anyone who didn'tknowwhichwineto order.
- I ordered adoubleespresso.
- Shequicklyemptiedherglassand ordered anotherdrink.
- He orders the same thing everytimehe goes to thisrestaurant.
- I'll be ordering a take-awaylater. Would you like anything?
- acquire
- acquisition
- acquisitiveness
- bidding
- bidding war
- bite
- extravagance
- load up onsomething
- misorder
- money-off
- order form
- ordersomethingin
- purchasing power
- reimportation
- repurchase
- retail therapy
- slate
- splurge
If apersoninauthorityorders someone to do something, or orders something to be done, theytellsomeone to do it:
吩咐;命令;指示Themanagementhas ordered acutbackinspending.管理层指示要减少开销。
[+ speech]"Wait over there," she ordered.“在那儿等着,”她吩咐道。
[+ to infinitive]They ordered himtoleavetheroom.他们命令他离开房间。
- I order you to put downyourweapon.
- Thepolicehave been ordered topaysubstantialdamagesto thefamiliesof the twodeadboys.
- Aninquirywas ordered into therecentraildisaster.
- In alevelvoice, he ordered thesoldierstoaimandfire.
- You can't just come in here andstartorderingpeoplearound.
Giving orders & commands
- all-points bulletin
- bossily
- bossiness
- bossyboots
- call forsomeone
- decree
- defy
- demand
- dictate
- expect
- harry
- importunate
- lay down the lawidiom
- officious
- ordain
- prescribe
- shovesomeonearound
- stick
- stick out forsomething
- task
toarrangeagroupofpeopleor things in alistfrom first to last:
整理;安排;给…排序Thedocumentshave been orderedalphabetically.文件已经按字母顺序排列好了。
I've ordered theapplicationformsintothreegroups.我将申请表整理成了3组。
to arrange papers, furniture, etc.
- arrangeThe books are arranged in alphabetical order.
- orderThe names are ordered alphabetically.
- sortTen million pieces of mail are sorted every day.
- organizeHe liked to organize his herbs and spices alphabetically in the cabinet.
- lay outHe laid the playing cards out in a precise circle.
- set outShe was setting out the usual platter of cheese sandwiches.
Classifying and creating order
- alphabetize
- anti-hierarchical
- arrange
- arrangement
- arranger
- array
- bracket
- misclassification
- misclassify
- miscode
- mislabel
- misorder
- nest
- set out
- setsomethingup
- shake
- shakesomeonedown
- short-list
- shortlist
- tick
Phrasal verbs