flock wallpaper
UKuk/ˌflɒk ˈwɔːəl.peɪ.pər/us/ˌflɑːk ˈwɑːlpeɪ.pɚ/(also mainlyUSflocked wallpaper)paperforcoveringwallsinside abuildingthat has araisedpatternofsoftmaterialon it:
软面立体纹墙纸Thediningroomhasflockwallpaper,velvetcurtainsand anoriginalfireplace.

Steven Taylor/Steven Taylor/GettyImages
- Therestaurantwascrampedand,despitetheflockwallpaperandcarpetedfloor, verynoisy.
- Iorderavodkaandorangeandsitin acornerbeneathpeelingmauveandsilverflockwallpaper.
- He has beenrunningtheclubfor 30years, anddutifullypreservingitsoriginalflockwallpaper,chandeliersandplushvelvetfurnishings.
- Sitting in the wood-panelledbarof hisrestaurant, the Cinnamon Club inWestminster, we could not befurtheraway from theflockwallpaperof atraditionalcurryhouse.
Building: interior decoration
- aesthetic
- backsplash
- boho
- caulk
- chinoiserie
- dosomethingout
- do-it-yourself
- feng shui
- flocked wallpaper
- furbish
- lighting
- masking tape
- mood board
- moulding
- overdecorate
- redo
- rehang
- splashback
- tablescape
- tablescaping
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