uk/flʌd/us/flʌd/floodverb(COVER WITH WATER)
tocausetofillorbecomecoveredwithwater,especiallyin a way thatcausesproblems:
(使)充满水;(使)淹没Ourwashingmachinebrokedownyesterdayand flooded thekitchen.我们的洗衣机昨天坏了,把厨房里弄得到处是水。
Thewholetownflooded when theriverburstitsbanks.河水决堤,整个镇子都淹了。
Severalfamilieslivingby theriverwere floodedout(=forcedtoleavetheirhousesbecause theybecamecoveredwithwater).住在河边的几户人家因洪水被迫撤离。
- When theriverflooded, thefootbridgewassweptaway.
- Theriverburstitsbanksand flooded thesurroundingfields.
- Heleftthebathrunningand flooded thebathroom.
- Theseverecoldcausedawatermaintoburstand flood thestreet.
- Thiscoastalareafloods everyyear, so thelocalpeoplebuildtheirhousesonstilts.
Floods, tides & currents
- current
- eddy
- flash flood
- flooded
- floodplain
- gyre
- high tide
- high water mark
- inundation
- longshore drift
- low-water mark
- overwhelm
- tidal
- tidally
- tide table
- tidemark
- turbulence
- turbulent
- water
- waterline
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Enclosing, surrounding and immersing
B2[Iusually+ adv/prep,T]
大量涌入;蜂拥而至;挤满;充斥Donations are floodingintothehomelessshelter.收容所收到大量捐赠。
Shedrewback thecurtainsand thesunlightcame floodingin.她拉开窗帘,阳光倾泻进来。
Japanesecarshave flooded themarket(= a lot of them are onsale).日本汽车已经充斥了市场。
He was floodedwith(=suddenlyfelta lot of)joywhen his firstchildwasborn.第一个孩子出生时,他满心欢喜。
For Proust, thetasteof a madeleinebroughtchildhoodmemoriesfloodingback(= made himsuddenlyremembera lot of things).对于普鲁斯特来说,玛德琳蛋糕的味道让他回忆起许多童年往事。
- Wearingscarvesandhatswhichproclaimedtheirallegiance, thefootballfansflooded into thebar.
- There are fewjobsfor thepeasantswho have flooded into thecitiesfrom thepoverty-strickencountrysideinsearchofwork.
- Offers ofhelphave been flooding in sincenewsof thedisasterfirstemerged.
- Messages ofsupporthave been flooding in since sheannouncedherdecisiontostandforpresident.
- Memories ofchildhoodflooded back as shelookedthrough thephotographs.
Filling and completing
- backfill
- box ticking
- brick
- brick upsomething
- brim
- fill
- gas
- jam
- overcrowd
- overrun
- pack
- packsomething/somewhereout
- permeate
- pervade
- round
- stuffing
- suffuse
- supersaturated
- takesomethingup
- tank up
Phrasal verb
alargeamountofwatercoveringanareathat is usuallydry:
洪水After the flood it tookweeksfor thewaterlevelto go down.洪水过去几个星期后,水位才回落。

in floods of tearsUK
cryinga lot:
泪雨滂沱Ifoundher in floods oftearsin thetoilets.我发现她在洗手间里哭得像个泪人似的。
the Flood
(in theBible) a floodsentbyGodthatcoveredthewholeearthas apunishment
(《圣经》中的)灭世洪水- Therecentflood hassweptaway thefootbridge.
- You shouldcheckyourpolicytoseeif you'recoveredfor flooddamage.
- After the flood, nothingremainedof thevillage.
- The floodsleftthousands ofpeopledestitute.
- Peoplelivinginlow-lyingareaswereevacuatedbecause of the floods.
Floods, tides & currents
- current
- eddy
- flash flood
- flooded
- floodplain
- gyre
- high tide
- high water mark
- inundation
- longshore drift
- low-water mark
- overwhelm
- tidal
- tidally
- tide table
- tidemark
- turbulence
- turbulent
- water
- waterline
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
The Bible - people, events & places
floodnoun(LARGE AMOUNT)
alargeamountornumberof something:
大批;大量A floodofcheapimportshas come into thecountry.大量廉价进口商品进入了这个国家。
Masses and large amounts of things
- accumulation
- any number ofthingsidiom
- armload
- backlog
- bolus
- foam
- hulk
- logjam
- many
- motherlode
- multi-million
- multitude
- pile
- stack
- the lion's shareidiom
- tsunami
- wave after/upon waveidiom
- wedge
- welter
- wodge
before the Flood