floor hockey
mainlyUSuk/ˈflɔː ˌhɒk.i/us/ˈflɔːr ˌhɑː.ki/aformofhockey(= agameplayedbetween twoteamsin whichplayerstrytohitasmall, hardballordiskinto the other team'sgoalusing acurvedstick)that isplayedinside ahallorroom:
Ateamofteacherschallengedhighschoolstudentsto agameoffloorhockey.教师队邀约高中生队举行一场室内曲棍球比赛。

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- The first-gradersplayfloorhockeyduringphysicaleducationclass.
- Icoachedbasketballandfloorhockey.
- Thekidsget torunaround andplayfloorhockeyand havefun.
- Atage8 she gotinterestedplayingfloorhockeyin herparents'basement.
- He stilltrainsfourdaysaweekand hascompetedinbasketball,floorhockey,baseball, andsoccer.
- biscuit
- blocker
- carry
- cooler
- corner
- five-hole
- fullback
- gap
- goal
- goaltender
- hockey
- penalty box
- puck
- rhombus
- rink hockey
- set play
- shin guard
- shin pad
- shirt pad
- stick