apieceofcloth, usuallyrectangularandattachedto apoleat oneedge, that has apatternthatshowsitrepresentsacountryor agroup, or has aparticularmeaning:
旗,旗帜Flags of all theparticipatingcountriesareflyingoutsidethestadium.所有参赛国家的国旗都飘扬在体育场外。
Flags wereflapping/flutteringin thebreeze.旗子在和风中飘扬。
Theguardwavedhis flag and thetrainpulledaway from thestation.护卫挥旗示意,火车从车站驶离。

Marvin Hedderich/EyeEm/GettyImages
- It's acrimetodesecratethe country's flag.
- You're notallowedtoswimwhen theredflag isflying.
- Thepalaceflags were allflyingathalf-mast.
- There were flags on thetopsof many of thebuildings.
- A flagflutteredfrom a 40-footpole.
- colour
- crossbones
- ensign
- flag of convenience
- half-mast
- half-staff
- pennant
- red flag
- saltire
- skull and crossbones
- standard
- Star-Spangled Banner
- Stars and Stripes
- the Jolly Roger
- tifo
- tricolour
- Union Jack
- windsock
(同 flagstone)
Richard Newstead/Moment/GettyImages
Building materials
- adobe
- airbrick
- asphalt
- bamboo
- biomaterial
- fibro
- flagged
- flagstone
- flitch
- floorboard
- lacquer
- paving
- prestressed
- putty
- razor wire
- rebar
- shingle
- wattle
- wattle and daub
- weatherboarding
aflowerthat is atypeoflargeiris
David Q. Cavagnaro/Photolibrary/GettyImages
Flowers & flowering plants
- anemone
- antirrhinum
- aster
- astilbe
- aubretia
- dandelion
- delphinium
- dog rose
- dogwood
- edelweiss
- lily of the valley
- locoweed
- lotus
- lupin
- mallow
- sunflower
- sweet pea
- tulip
- unscented
- verbena
keep the flag flying
put the flags out!
wave/show/fly the flag
to put amarkon something so it can befoundeasilyamong othersimilarthings:
给…做标记Flag anyfilesthat might beusefullater.给日后可能有用的文件做上标记。
tomarkcomputerinformationwith one of twopossiblevaluesso that you candealwith itlater:
标记(计算机里某些信息,以便之后处理)We'll flag therecordsofinterestin thedatabaseand then we can give you a print-out.我们会在数据库中把值得关注的纪录标记出来,之后打印一份给你。
- ascribesomethingtosomething
- ascription
- badged
- badging
- band
- distinguishing
- dog tag
- geotag
- id
- ID card
- identifiable
- microchip
- misidentification
- misidentify
- passport
- pick
- picksomeone/somethingout
- reidentify
- stamp
- traceable
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Operating computers
[T](alsoflag up)
towarnortellpeopleabout something that isimportantor is aproblem:
I'd just like to flag acoupleofissueswith theproject.
Theinspectionteamflagged apotentialgroundwaterpollutionproblem.
Alaboratorytestmight have flaggedupthepotentialdangersat a muchearlierstage.
- We will use newtechnologyandreal-timemonitoringsystemsto flagpotentialproblems.
- Iwantedto flag something Ithinkiswrongwith thatreport.
- Hecriticizedtheslowpaceat which thecrimehas beenpursuedsince he first flagged it up.
- Seriousweatherwarningsare being flagged up for the next fewdays.
Announcing, informing & stating
- acquaintsomeone/yourselfwithsomething
- affirm
- annunciation
- avowedly
- awaken
- awakensomeonetosomething
- break
- break it/the news tosomeoneidiom
- breathe/say a wordidiom
- disseminate
- known
- on the recordidiom
- pass
- proclamation
- putsomethingout ofitsmiseryidiom
- rapporteur
- resensitize
- rollout
- self-anointed
- statement
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Threats & warnings
flagverb(BECOME TIRED)
tobecometired,weaker, or lesseffective:
变得疲倦;兴趣衰减I wasstartingto flag after the ninthmile.走了9英里后,我开始感到疲倦了。
Theconversationwas flagging.谈话越来越乏味了。
Tired and making tired
- all in
- anti-fatigue
- atyourworstidiom
- be dead onyourfeetidiom
- be fit/ready to dropidiom
- finishsomethingoff
- fit to dropidiom
- fragile
- gassed
- haggard
- knackered
- shattered
- shell-shocked
- sleep deprivation
- sleep-deprived
- sleepily
- sleepiness
- strung out
- wrecked
- zonked
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Becoming and making less strong
Phrasal verb