release verb [T] (MAKE FREE )
B2 to givefreedomorfreemovementto someone or something:
释放,放走;放开,松开 He was releasedfrom prisonafterservingtwoyearsof a five-yearsentence. 他被判5年徒刑,但是服刑两年后就被释放出狱了。
She wasarrestedforshopliftingbut was releasedonbail (= afterpayingasumofmoneyto thecourt) . 她因为在商店行窃而被捕,但是在交纳保释金后就被释放了。
figurative Thesurgeryreleased him fromyearsofpain. 手术使他摆脱了多年的病痛。
tomoveadevicefrom afixedpositiontoallowit tomovefreely:
拉开;松开 He released thehandbrakeand thecarjumpedforwards. 他松开了手闸,车猛地向前冲去。
tofireabombor amissile (=flyingweapon) , or toallowit tofall:
发射;投(弹) Theplanereleaseditsbombsat 10,000feet. 飞机在1万英尺高空投下了炸弹。
C1 toallowasubstancetoflowout fromsomewhere:
排放;释出;使逸出 Coalpowerstationsreleasesulphurdioxideinto theatmosphere. 燃煤发电站向大气中排放二氧化硫。
Hormones are releasedfrom glandsinto thebloodstream. 荷尔蒙从腺体分泌出来进入血液中。
toexpressafeelingthat you have beentryingnot to show:
发泄;宣泄 Hepunchedthepillowin aneffortto release hisanger. 他捶打枕头来发泄愤怒。
Theirappealsto release thehostagesfellondeafears. Note howeasyit is to release thecatchquickly. Theprisonerhas been released forhumanitarianreasons. Heheldout anolivebranchto theoppositionby releasing 42politicalprisoners. Highlytoxicdioxinswere released into theair. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesLiberating, relaxing and releasing
breathe breathe easier idiom cathartic chillax decontrol deregulate discharge let/setsomething loose idiom liberalization liberate liberated loose loose your hold/grip idiom relax relaxyour grip/hold idiom turnsomeone/something loose idiom unbeholden unbind walk walk free idiom See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Unfastening and opening
Detonation & bombardment
Emitting and ejecting
Showing and demonstrating
release verb [T] (MAKE PUBLIC )
C1 toallowsomething to beshowninpublicor to beavailablefor use:
公开;公布;发布 Policehave released apictureof the man theywanttoquestion. 警方公布了他们想要问讯的一名男子的照片。
Themayorhas released astatementexplainingthereasonsfor hisresignation. 市长发表了一份声明,解释他辞职的原因。
B2 If acompanyreleases afilmormusicalrecording, itallowsthefilmto beshownincinemas, or makes themusicalrecordingavailablefor thepublictobuy:
发行;上映 The band'slatestalbumwill be released nextweek. 该乐队的最新专辑将在下周发行。
Indian English to make aproduct, forexampleabook,availablefor thepublictobuy, often with acelebration;launch :
发布(新书等) The neweditionof thedictionarywill be released by theeducationministerlaterthismonth. 新版词典将由教育部长在本月稍后发布。
Theinformationhas been released indribsanddrabs. A newmixoftheirhitsingleisdueto be released early nextmonth. We cannot release thenamesof thesoldierswho werekilleduntil we haveinformedtheirnext ofkin. Policeblunderedby not releasing moredetailsabout thecasetofocuspublicinterest. They've just released a CD oftheirgreatesthits. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesLiberating, relaxing and releasing
breathe breathe easier idiom cathartic chillax decontrol deregulate discharge let/setsomething loose idiom liberalization liberate liberated loose loose your hold/grip idiom relax relaxyour grip/hold idiom turnsomeone/something loose idiom unbeholden unbind walk walk free idiom See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Available and accessible
Cinema - general words
release noun (MAKING FREE )
C1 [S orU ] anoccasionwhen someone isallowedtoleaveprison, etc.:
释放;获释 Her early releasefrom prisonledto ademonstration. 她被提前释放出狱,这引起了一场游行示威。
C1 [U ] theactofflowingout fromsomewhere:
排放;泄漏;渗漏 Theaccidentcausedthe releaseof radioactivityinto theatmosphere. 这次事故导致放射性物质泄漏到大气中。
[S orU ] afeelingthat you arefreefrom somethingunpleasant:
解脱;轻松感 Inoticeda releaseof tensionwhen helefttheroom. 我注意到,他一走出房间大家都如释重负。
Afteryearsofsuffering, hisdeathcame as amercifulrelease. 受了那么多年的折磨,死亡对他来说算是一种幸运的解脱。
Immured in adarkairlesscell, thehostageswaitedsixmonthsfortheirrelease. After such alongillness, herdeathcame as amercifulrelease. Thisdecisionhasremovedthe lastobstacleto thehostages' release. Hekilledthe man just amonthafter his release from asecurementalhospital. Thependingreleases of theprisonersaremeanttocreateaclimatefornegotiation. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesLiberating, relaxing and releasing
breathe breathe easier idiom cathartic chillax decontrol deregulate discharge let/setsomething loose idiom liberalization liberate liberated loose loose your hold/grip idiom relax relaxyour grip/hold idiom turnsomeone/something loose idiom unbeholden unbind walk walk free idiom See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Emitting and ejecting
Relieved and thankful
release noun (MAKING PUBLIC )
[U ] theactof making somethingpublicoravailablefor use:
公开;公布;发布 There arestrictruleson the releaseof officialinformation. 对官方信息的发布有严格的规定。
[C ] a writtenstatementthat givesinformationto bebroadcastorpublished:
发布的声明(或文件等) Thecompanyissuedapress releaseannouncingtheappointmentof a newCEO. 公司发布新闻公报,宣布任命新任首席执行官。
B2 [C ] amusicalrecordingthat is madeavailablefor thepublictobuy:
发行的唱片 Herlatestrelease, asongaboutdoomedlove, shewroteherself. 她最近发行的单曲,一首咏唱注定使人心碎的爱情之歌,是她自己创作的。
be on general release UK
If afilmis ongeneralrelease, it isavailableto beshownincinemas:
上映;公映 ThelatestDisneyfilmgoes ongeneralrelease nextmonth. 迪斯尼公司制作的最新一部电影将在下个月公映。
Ane-fitof the manpromptedhundreds ofcallsafteritsrelease onTuesday. She's been in thelimelightrecently,followingthe release of hercontroversialnewfilm. Herlatestrelease is analbumofcoverversions. The film's release has beendelayed. Themagazinereviewsall thelatestreleases. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesLiberating, relaxing and releasing
breathe breathe easier idiom cathartic chillax decontrol deregulate discharge let/setsomething loose idiom liberalization liberate liberated loose loose your hold/grip idiom relax relaxyour grip/hold idiom turnsomeone/something loose idiom unbeholden unbind walk walk free idiom See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Available and accessible
Information and messages
Recording sounds and images
Cinema - general words
(Definition ofrelease from theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)
release | American Dictionary
release verb [T] (MAKE FREE )
to givefreedomto someone:
Agentsquestionedthe men, then released them because they had done nothingwrong.
If you release adevice, youmoveit from alockedpositionandallowit tomovefreely:
She released thebrakeand thecarrolledforward.
release verb [T] (STOP HOLDING )
todrop, or tostopcarrying,holding, orcontainingsomething:
Thedogbroughttheballback to us but wouldn’t release it.
Thecompanywaschargedwith releasingtoxicgasesinto theatmosphere.
release verb [T] (MAKE PUBLIC )
toletsomething beshowninpublicor madeavailablefor use:
Thepolicereleased adrawingof thesuspect.
release noun [C usually sing] (MAKING FREE )
theactof givingfreedomto someone:
Diplomaticeffortswereunderwaytosecurethe release of the twojournalists.
release noun [C usually sing] (MAKING PUBLIC )
theactoflettingsomething beshowninpublicor be madeavailablefor use:
The release of themoviewasdelayedfor severalmonths.
(Definition ofrelease from theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)
release | Business English
COMMUNICATIONS to makeinformationavailableto thepublic:
According to astudyreleased lastweek,nearly250,000Britonsemigratedlastyear.
release a statement/document/report Theconservationgroupreleased areportaccusingpetroleumcompaniesofcausingwidespreadpollution.
release details/figures/findings Figures released by the Council of Mortgage Lenders show that fixed-rateproductsaccountedfor 78% ofmortgagesinAugust.
Copies of thecorrespondencebetween theattorneyshave now been released to themedia.
COMMERCE tostarttosella newproduct:
Only a verysmallpercentageof thesoftwaregamesreleased eachyearactuallymakemoney.
release a CD/DVD/movie Therecordcompanyhas just released a CD thatbringstogether the artist'ssoloandcollaborativework.
FINANCE to makemoneyavailableto bespent:
Aspokesmanfor thetransportgroupsaid newdebtarrangementswould release €500 million.
Sellingtheirhometorelease theequity is some people's only way offundingtheirlivingexpensesinoldage.
PRODUCTION toproducegasesorchemicalsubstancesaspartof amanufacturingorindustrialprocess:
Manyindustrialprocessesare still releasinggreatquantitiesofcarbondioxide.
toofficiallysay that someone nolongerhas ajob,position, orresponsibility:
release sb from sth Theclubhasagreedto release three ofitsplayersfromcontract.
[S orU ] COMMERCE theactof making a newproductavailabletobuyor a newfilmavailabletosee:
Thealbumsoldmore than 200,000copiesin theweekfollowingitsJune12 release.
The movie'sreleasedate has beenpushedback sixweeks.
Salespeakwhenretailerstimetheirpromotioncampaignswith the release of a box-officehitlikeStarWars.
Throughout thecountry,peoplehave been queuingoutsidestoresas theyanticipatethecommercialrelease of the newphone.
after/on/since release Customerspurchasingnewcomputershave beenofferedafreeupgradeto thelatestoperatingsystemonitsrelease .
be/go on release A Blu-Rayversionof themovieis nowongeneralrelease .
[C ] COMMERCE a newproductthat is madeavailabletobuy,especiallya CD,DVD, or apieceofsoftware:
new/recent/latest release Three of themajorHollywoodfilmstudiosagreedtoselltheiroldermovies- but not new releases - through iTunes™.
[S orU ] COMMUNICATIONS theactof makinginformationavailableto thepublic:
The report's releaseresultedinsharepricesdroppingdramatically.
Atemporaryorderwasgrantedby thejudgepreventingthe release of about 900pagesof e-mails.
the release of information/reports/figures Therandlostgroundagain after the release of worse-than-expectedgoldandforeignexchangefigures.
[C ] COMMUNICATIONS anofficialstatementordocumentthat is madeavailableto thepublic:
The city'sGDP, down 5% to $48.86billion,reflectedtheblowstruckby theearthquake, thebureausaid in a release.
issue/put out a release We will not beissuinga release on anytaxincreasesuntilworkon thestatebudgetfor the nextfiscalyeariscomplete.
[C orU ] PRODUCTION aprocessin whichgasesorchemicalsubstancesareproducedaspartofmanufacturingorindustrialprocesses:
Thecompanysaiditslevelofairemissionswouldstayabout the same under the newpermit,althoughit didacknowledgethat thepermitwouldallowlargerreleases.
Anybreachofsafetyregulationsandresultingdamagewithin areactorcouldleadto a release ofradiation.
[S orU ] FINANCE theactof makingmoneyavailableto bespent:
release of sth Stockmarketindexeshaverecordedasteadygrowthinanticipationof early release offundsby theinternationaldonoragencies.
[S orU ] theactof making somethingavailableto be used:
release of sth Crudeoilpricesedgedup to $29.66amiddisappointmentthatEuropehaspostponedany release ofoilfromitsstrategicreserves.
See also block release
day release
press release
(Definition ofrelease from theCambridge Business English Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)
Examplesof release release
The result is that many of the varieties released are never grown by farmers. From theCambridge English Corpus
To what extent the rural sector absorbs the released labour is not clear. From theCambridge English Corpus
Is a stop consonant released when followed by another stop consonant? From theCambridge English Corpus
In one instance the device was successfully retrieved after it had been released from its deployment cable. From theCambridge English Corpus
If adequate stability and satisfactory positioning were confirmed the cable was unscrewed, releasing the device. From theCambridge English Corpus
There are only a few landraces and very old released varieties available. From theCambridge English Corpus
In this sense, the circulation about the aerofoil can be related to the vorticity released into the flow near the tips of the wing. From theCambridge English Corpus
The majority of sentences were for perpetual imprisonment, but many of these were released a year or so later. From theCambridge English Corpus
Nevertheless, it should be possible with efficient sterilization and good quality control to eliminate the possibility of releasing fertile males. From theCambridge English Corpus
Unfortunately, as hobson et al. emphasize, we don't really know whether dopamine is vigorously released during activated sleep. From theCambridge English Corpus
In normal awake and slow wave sleep states, the raphe nucleus is releasing serotonin. From theCambridge English Corpus
By releasing the surrounding scar capsule, breast projection and breast ptosis can be increased. From theCambridge English Corpus
Rather than attempting uniform area-wide, inundative releases of sterile males, it may be more cost-effective to preferentially target aggregated populations associated with livestock. From theCambridge English Corpus
If methane is a causal mechanism, the repetition of the negative carbon excursions could be accounted for by multiple releases of methane. From theCambridge English Corpus
Lack of a coordinated regional approach is not problematic in regions where the mechanisms for adaptation of newly released technologies are in place. From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Collocationswith release release These are words often used in combination withrelease .
Click on a collocation to see more examples of it.
accidental release
This involves estimating the possibility and consequences of anaccidental release into the atmosphere.
From theCambridge English Corpus
anticipated release
In conclusion, the results are encouraging for the anticipated release of a recombinant myxoma virus to sterilize rabbits.
From theCambridge English Corpus
compassionate release
When a compassionate posting is not possible a period of compassionate release is often granted if the circumstances of the case justify it.
From the
Hansard archive
Example from the Hansard archive. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under theOpen Parliament Licence v3.0
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.