regenerative braking
engineeringspecializeduk/rɪˌdʒen.ə.rə.tɪv ˈbreɪ.kɪŋ/us/rɪˌdʒen.ə.rə.t̬ɪv ˈbreɪ.kɪŋ/asystemin anelectricvehiclein whichenergyflowsfrom thewheelsto thebatterywhen thedriveruses thebrakestoslowdown orstop,ratherthan beingwastedasheat. Theenergyin thebatterycan then be used when thecarspeedsup orstartsmovingagain:
回馈制动,再生制动Theelectriccarhasregenerativebraking, so when you'recoastingorbraking, thebatteryrecharges.电动汽车有再生制动,所以当你滑行或者刹车时,电池会再充电。
- Hybridcarslike Toyota's Prius useregenerativebrakingtechnology.
- These environment-friendly, fuel-savingvehiclesuse aprocesscalledregenerativebrakingtocaptureinertialenergy,storeit and thenreuseit.
- Thecompanywill alsoexploreregenerativebrakingfortrains.
The engine & engine parts
- air filter
- air-cooled
- anti-roll
- antifreeze
- biting point
- brake
- cam
- carburation
- catalytic converter
- choke
- combustion chamber
- connecting rod
- disc brake
- drive shaft
- gasket
- neutral
- plug
- rev
- suspension
- turbocharger