uk/fəˈkætʃ.ə/us/fəˈkɑːtʃ.i.ə/atypeofflatbread,originallyfrom Italy, made withflour,salt,yeastandoliveoil:
佛卡夏面包Breadchoicesforyoursandwichincludefocaccia,ciabatta, andwraps.可用来做三明治的面包有佛卡夏面包、夏巴塔面包和卷饼。
Webakedthe focaccias at 375 F for about 40minutes.这些佛卡夏面包,我们在375华氏度下烘烤了40分钟。

Francesco Marzovillo/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- Theovenisgreatforcookingpizzaand focaccia.
- You could have agrilledpaninion rosemary-onion focaccia.
- As well as thegreatBritishloaveslikebloomer,cottage, andfarmhouse, theysellavarietyofcosmopolitanbreads:bagels, focaccia,petitpain, andpitta.
- He hadgrilledchickenon focacciabread.
- This was one of thebestfocaccias I'veeverhad.
- Anadama bread
- arepa
- bagel
- baguette
- bannock
- cottage loaf
- crouton
- crumb
- crumpet
- crust
- iced bun
- injera
- johnnycake
- kaiser roll
- lardy cake
- poppadom
- pretzel
- pumpernickel
- roti
- rye bread