uk/fɔɪl/us/fɔɪl/foilnoun(METAL SHEET)
a verythinsheetofmetal,especiallyused towrapfoodin tokeepitfresh:

Hair Fashion/Moment Open/GettyImages
apieceof a verythinmetalsheetorpaperused towrapapieceof someone'shairwhen it is beingdyedorhighlighted(=itscolouris beingchanged):
Thehairdresserchattedas he put the foils in.

Serhii Tychynskyi/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
Preserving & storing food
- beeswax wrap
- bin
- biscuit tin
- bread basket
- bread bin
- crystallized
- deep freeze
- defrost
- flash-freeze
- food technology
- pasteurized
- pickle
- pickled
- pickling
- plastic wrap
- tinfoil
- tinned
- tub
- Tupperware
- vacuum-packed
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
something or someone that makes another's good orbadqualitiesmorenoticeable:
陪衬物,衬托Theolder,cynicalcharacterin theplayis theperfectfoilfortheinnocentWilliam.剧中年迈、愤世嫉俗的人物角色正好衬托出威廉的天真单纯。
Useful or advantageous
- advantageous
- advantageously
- all-singing
- amiss
- asset
- bea good betidiom
- fecund
- fruitfully
- fruitfulness
- functionally
- gainfully
- general
- productive
- productively
- profitable
- profitably
- repaysomeone'seffort, time, attention, etc.idiom
- sniff
- win-win
- worthwhile
athin,lightswordused in thesportoffencing
Hemera Technologies/ / Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
Fighting sports
- aikido
- all-in wrestling
- arm-wrestling
- bantamweight
- black belt
- feint
- full nelson
- grappler
- gumshield
- half nelson
- heavyweight
- outfight
- prizefighter
- pugilist
- pugilistic
- punch-drunk
- punchbag
- puncher
- southpaw
- wrestling
uk/fɔɪl/us/fɔɪl/topreventsomeone or something from beingsuccessful:
挫败,阻止,制止Theprisoners'attempttoescapewas foiled at the lastminutewhenpolicereceivedatip-off.由于警方收到密报,囚犯的越狱企图在最后一刻被挫败。
to prevent something from happening
- preventVaccination will prevent the spread of the disease.
- avoidLabel the boxes to avoid confusion.
- stopThis should stop any further trouble.
- avertWe had to act quickly to avert disaster.
- prohibitBehavioural problems in the classroom prohibit learning.
- checkChildren are being vaccinated in an attempt to check the spread of the disease.
Preventing and impeding
- anti-jamming
- avert
- avoid
- avoidable
- bar
- be a drag onsomeone/somethingidiom
- bottleneck
- derail
- fireproof
- hang
- havesomeone/somethinghanging roundyourneckidiom
- head off
- hinder
- hogtie
- prevent
- preventable
- prevention
- prevention is better than cureidiom
- preventive
- scuttle