uk/ˈfɒl.dɪ.rɒl/us/ˈfɑːl.də.rɑːl/unnecessaryactionsor words that have littlemeaningand make somethingseemmoreimportantorcomplicatedthan it really is:
胡闹;废物;无用的附件Unanimousconsentsimplymeansthebillpasseswithout all theusualSenateproceduralfolderol.一致同意仅仅意味着该法案不需要启用参议院通常的无用程序即可通过。
We don't need all this folderol from thewaiters- justservethefood.我们不需要服务员的那些没用的服务——只要上菜就行。
- The firstactof theplayisfulloffussyfolderol; the secondmovesmuchfasterandsmoother.
- Heansweredwith some folderol aboutseekingtheidealwoman, but Iknewthetruth.
- There is anunbelievableamountofmerchandiseout there with herfaceornameon it. T-shirts,stickers,dolls, and allsortsof folderol.
- I don'tbelievehe is given to folderol andoverlyceremonialcelebrations.
Too much and unnecessary
- avalanche
- be up toyourneck (insomething)idiom
- bellyful
- binge
- carry/take coals to Newcastleidiom
- de trop
- drown
- gush
- immoderate
- immoderately
- inessential
- insatiable
- overdose
- pleonasm
- pleonastic
- plethora
- proliferation
- redundancy
- the last thingyouwant, need, etc.idiom
- weighsomeone/somethingdown