释义 |
followverb(GO)A2[IorT]tomovebehind someone or something and go where he, she, or it goes: 跟随;跟着 Adogfollowed ushome.一条狗跟着我们回了家。 She followed me into thekitchen.她跟着我进了厨房。 He had thefeelinghe was being followed(= someone was going after him tocatchhim orseewhere he was going).他觉得自己被跟踪了。 I couldfeelthem following me withtheireyes(=watchingmymovementsclosely).我能感觉到他们密切注视着我的一举一动。 Doyourown thing, don't just followthecrowd(= do what everyoneelsedoes).做你自己的事,不要只是随大溜。 Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examplesto follow someone or something - followFollow me - this way!
- tag alongDo you mind if my little brother tags along?
- chaseHe was running and the dog was chasing him.
- pursueThe robber was pursued by several members of the public.
- tailThe car was tailed by police for several hours.
- shadowThe police think the robbers shadowed their victims for days before the crime.
See more results » [T]to go in the samedirectionas aroad,path, etc.: 沿着(路等)行进 Follow theroadfor twomiles, thenturnleft.沿着这条路走两公里,然后向左转。 follow suit C2to do the same thing as someoneelse: 仿效 When oneairlinereducesitsprices, therestsoonfollowsuit.一家航空公司降价,其余的会很快纷纷仿效。 If onecompanytriestogainthecompetitiveedgewith a newproduct, othercompaniestendto followsuit. Onechainstartedofferingveganoptionsand theothersquicklyfollowedsuit. Franceledthe way,hopingthat othercountrieswouldswiftlyfollowsuit. It'sthoughtthat otherstatesmaysoonfollowsuit. - He made noanswerbutwalkedon,gesturingfor me to follow.
- If youleadin thejeep, we'll follow behind on thehorses.
- Thedogsarespeciallytrainedto follow thetrailleftby thefox.
- Thepathfollows theriverclosely,occasionallydeviatinground aclumpoftrees.
- In thesilencethat followed, alonevoicepipedup from the back of theroom.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesPursuing - be hot onsomeone'strack/trailidiom
- be onsomeone'stailidiom
- bear
- bear down onsomeone/something
- bring
- bring up the rearidiom
- convoy
- flight
- hound
- humbug
- in hot pursuitidiom
- on the scentidiom
- pester
- pursue
- shadow
- stick
- tailgate
- tailgating
- track
- track and trace
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Occurring and happening Direction of motion Travelling Repeating an action followverb(HAPPEN)B1[IorT]tohappenor come after something: 发生;在…后发生 We were notpreparedfor theeventsthat followed(=happenednext).我们没有料到后来发生的事。 Thebookwasdeliveredyesterdaywith anotesaying thebillfor it would follow in adayor two.这本书昨天送到,附信说书的账单一两天后会寄到。 Themealconsisted ofspinachsalad, followed byroastchicken(= with this as the nextpart).菜肴包括菠菜色拉,随后是烤鸡。 Shepublishedabookofpoemsand followed it(up)with(= nextproduced)anovel.她出版了一部诗集,接着又出版了一本小说。 as follows B2said tointroducealistof things: 如下 Thewinnersare as follows - Woods, Smith, and Cassidy.获胜者如下:伍兹,史密斯和卡西迪。 See more- The women's 200metreeventwill be followed by the men's 100metres.
- I'd like asteakandfrieswithchocolatemousseto follow.
- Theinitialearthquakewas followed by aseriesofaftershocks.
- Thisannouncementfollowsmonthsofinactionanddelay.
- Thewarwas followed by alongperiodofpeaceandprosperity.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesOccurring and happening - afoot
- asynchronous
- attendant
- be at workidiom
- become
- eventuate
- fall
- fall into placeidiom
- follow on
- go hand in hand withsomethingidiom
- go off
- go on
- pass
- result
- resynchronize
- roll
- roll around
- shake out
- succeed
- supervene
See more results » followverb(OBEY)B1[T]toobeyor toactasorderedby someone: 听从,遵循,遵从 Follow theinstructionson the back of thepacketcarefully.要仔细地按照盒子背面的使用说明操作。 Idecidedto follow heradviceand go tobedearly.我决定听从她的建议,早早上床睡觉。 Muslimsfollow theteachingsof theKoran.穆斯林们遵从《可兰经》的教义。 Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examplesto obey someone or something - obeyChildren must obey their parents.
- followAll religions guide youths to follow the teachings of elders and parents.
- complyThere are serious penalties for failure to comply with the regulations.
- observePeople must observe the law.
- adhere toThey failed to adhere to the terms of the agreement.
- abide byPlayers must abide by the referee's decision.
See more results » Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examplesaccording to the law, rules, etc. - according toIf we do not act according to the rules laid down for such cases, there will be chaos.
- in line withWhat she did was not always completely in line with the law.
- in accordance withThe council has not acted in accordance with its obligations.
- obeyIf they don't obey the rules, they will be asked to leave.
- followWe are obliged to follow the law in this matter.
See more results » - I always follow theinstructionsonmedicinebottlesfaithfully.
- He follows theordersof hisbosswithoutquestion.
- He followed thefamousAmericandictum, 'Don't getmad, geteven'.
- I followed theinstructionsto theletterand it still wentwrong.
- Baking acakeisn'tdifficult- it's just amatterof following therecipe.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesObeying & breaking the law - abide
- abide bysomething
- adhere
- adhere tosomething
- bad actor
- buck
- commission
- in line withsomethingidiom
- infringe
- infringement
- non-compliance
- non-compliant
- noncomplying
- nondelinquent
- observance
- offend
- on the right/wrong side of the lawidiom
- pervert
- self-incrimination
- stick
See more results » followverb(HAVE INTEREST IN)C1[T]to have agreatinterestin something orwatchsomethingclosely: 对…有浓厚兴趣;密切关注 He follows mostsportsavidly.他对大多数体育运动有浓厚的兴趣。 They followed heracademicprogressclosely.他们密切关注她学业上的进展。 - Whichteamdo you follow?
- She followed thetrialwithinterest.
- They wereableto follow the day'seventsontheirportableradio.
- Analysts have been following theeventswithinterest.
- Have you been followingrecentpoliticalevents?
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesExcited, interested and enthusiastic - aflame
- aflutter
- agog
- all of a flutteridiom
- amped
- animated
- entranced
- evangelical
- evangelistic
- excited
- excitedly
- fevered
- go ahead
- heartily
- make (all) the right, correct, etc. noisesidiom
- mood
- nuts
- omnivorous
- on the edge ofyourseatidiom
- zestfully
See more results » followverb(BE RESULT)C2[not continuous]tohappenas aresult, or to be alikelyresult: 产生…结果;是…的可能结果 [+ that]Just because Iagreedlasttime,itdoesn'tnecessarilyfollowthatI will again.仅仅是我上次同意并不一定说明我还会再次同意。 - If wepositthatwagerisescauseinflation, it follows that we shouldtrytominimizethem.
- How can theyclaimtoreducetaxesandincreasespending? It doesn't follow.
- Just because the lastforecastwascorrect, it doesn'tnecessarilyfollow that the next one will be.
- Just because one of thesuspectshas beeneliminatedfromtheirenquiries, it doesn't follow that theremainingsuspectisguilty.
- Becauseladybirdseatgreenfly, it follows that adecreasein thenumbersofladybirdswillleadto arisein thepopulationofgreenfly.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesOccurring and happening - afoot
- asynchronous
- attendant
- be at workidiom
- become
- eventuate
- fall
- fall into placeidiom
- follow on
- go hand in hand withsomethingidiom
- go off
- go on
- pass
- result
- resynchronize
- roll
- roll around
- shake out
- succeed
- supervene
See more results » followverb(UNDERSTAND)B1[IorT]tounderstandsomething as it is being said or done: 理解,明白 I'msorry, I don'tquitefollow (you).对不起,我不太明白(你的意思)。 Hislecturewascomplicatedanddifficultto follow.他的讲座复杂又难懂。 Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examplesto understand something - understandI understand why he did that.
- comprehendHe doesn't seem to comprehend the scale of the problem.
- get the pictureOK. Don't say any more. I get the picture.
- followIt was so complicated I couldn't follow what he was saying.
- graspI think I grasped the main points of the lecture.
- digestThis chapter is so difficult to digest. I'll have to read it again later.
See more results » SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesUnderstanding and comprehending - apprehend
- apprehensible
- apprehension
- astutely
- atyourfingertipsidiom
- connection
- figure
- hold
- keenness
- keepsomeoneup
- know a hawk from a handsawidiom
- know the scoreidiom
- know/see wheresomeoneis coming fromidiom
- scale
- uncomprehending
- uncomprehendingly
- understanding
- voice recognition
- wake up tosomething
- wisdom
See more results » followverb(READ)[T]toreadthenotesor words of apieceofmusicor writing at the sametimeas they are beingplayedor said 跟唱;跟读 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesWriting, reading & studying music - anti-musical
- bar
- canon
- canonical
- compose
- composition
- compositional
- musically
- musicologist
- musicology
- non-musical
- orchestrate
- reorchestration
- rescore
- setting
- sheet music
- sight-read
- sight-reading
- transposition
- unmusical
See more results » followverb(SOCIAL MEDIA)[T]If you follow aparticularpersonon asocialmediawebsite(= awebsitewherepeoplecanpublishtheirthoughts,photographs,informationabout themselves etc.), youchoosetoseeeverything thatpersonposts(=publishes)on thewebsite. (在社交媒体上)跟进;成为粉丝 Idiomsfollowyournose follow insomeone'sfootsteps Phrasal verbsfollow on follow(something)through follow through followsomethingup (Definition offollowfrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)followverb(GO)A2[IorT]tomovebehind someone or something and go where he, she, or it goes 跟随;跟着Adogfollowed ushome.一条狗跟着我们回了家。 She followed me into thekitchen.她跟着我进了厨房。 He had thefeelinghe was being followed(= someone was going after him tocatchhim orseewhere he was going).他觉得自己被跟踪了。 I couldfeelthem following me withtheireyes(=watchingmymovementsclosely).我能感觉到他们密切注视着我的一举一动。 Doyourown thing, don't just followthecrowd(= do what everyoneelsedoes).做你自己的事,不要只是随大溜。 [T]to go in the samedirectionas aroad,path, etc. 沿着(路等)行进Follow theroadfor twomiles, thenturnleft.沿着这条路走两公里,然后向左转。 follow suit C2to do the same thing as someoneelse 仿效When oneairlinereducesitsprices, therestsoonfollowsuit.一家航空公司降价,其余的会很快纷纷仿效。 - He made noanswerbutwalkedon,gesturingfor me to follow.
- If youleadin thejeep, we'll follow behind on thehorses.
- Thedogsarespeciallytrainedto follow thetrailleftby thefox.
- Thepathfollows theriverclosely,occasionallydeviatinground aclumpoftrees.
- In thesilencethat followed, alonevoicepipedup from the back of theroom.
followverb(HAPPEN)B1[IorT]tohappenor come after something 发生;在…后发生We were notpreparedfor theeventsthat followed(=happenednext).我们没有料到后来发生的事。 Thebookwasdeliveredyesterdaywith anotesaying thebillfor it would follow in adayor two.这本书昨天送到,附信说书的账单一两天后会寄到。 Themealconsisted ofspinachsalad, followed byroastchicken(= with this as the nextpart).菜肴包括菠菜色拉,随后是烤鸡。 Shepublishedabookofpoemsand followed it(up)with(= nextproduced)anovel.她出版了一部诗集,接着又出版了一本小说。 as follows B2said tointroducealistof things 如下Thewinnersare as follows - Woods, Smith, and Cassidy.获胜者如下:伍兹,史密斯和卡西迪。 - The women's 200metreeventwill be followed by the men's 100metres.
- I'd like asteakandfrieswithchocolatemousseto follow.
- Theinitialearthquakewas followed by aseriesofaftershocks.
- Thisannouncementfollowsmonthsofinactionanddelay.
- Thewarwas followed by alongperiodofpeaceandprosperity.
followverb(OBEY)B1[T]toobeyor toactasorderedby someone 听从,遵循,遵从Follow theinstructionson the back of thepacketcarefully.要仔细地按照盒子背面的使用说明操作。 Idecidedto follow heradviceand go tobedearly.我决定听从她的建议,早早上床睡觉。 Muslims follow theteachingsof the Koran.穆斯林们遵从《可兰经》的教义。 - I always follow theinstructionsonmedicinebottlesfaithfully.
- He follows theordersof hisbosswithoutquestion.
- He followed thefamousAmericandictum, 'Don't getmad, geteven'.
- I followed theinstructionsto theletterand it still wentwrong.
- Baking acakeisn'tdifficult- it's just amatterof following therecipe.
followverb(HAVE INTEREST IN)C1[T]to have agreatinterestin something orwatchsomethingclosely 对…有浓厚兴趣;密切关注He follows mostsportsavidly.他对大多数体育运动有浓厚的兴趣。 They followed heracademicprogressclosely.他们密切关注她学业上的进展。 - Whichteamdo you follow?
- She followed thetrialwithinterest.
- They wereableto follow the day'seventsontheirportableradio.
- Analysts have been following theeventswithinterest.
- Have you been followingrecentpoliticalevents?
followverb(BE RESULT)C2[not continuous]tohappenas aresult, or to be alikelyresult 产生…结果;是…的可能结果[+ that]Just because Iagreedlasttime,itdoesn'tnecessarilyfollowthatI will again.仅仅是我上次同意并不一定说明我还会再次同意。 - If wepositthatwagerisescauseinflation, it follows that we shouldtrytominimizethem.
- How can theyclaimtoreducetaxesandincreasespending? It doesn't follow.
- Just because the lastforecastwascorrect, it doesn'tnecessarilyfollow that the next one will be.
- Just because one of thesuspectshas beeneliminatedfromtheirenquiries, it doesn't follow that theremainingsuspectisguilty.
- Becauseladybirdseatgreenfly, it follows that adecreasein thenumbersofladybirdswillleadto arisein thepopulationofgreenfly.
followverb(UNDERSTAND)B1[IorT]tounderstandsomething as it is being said or done 理解,明白I'msorry, I don'tquitefollow (you).对不起,我不太明白(你的意思)。 Hislecturewascomplicatedanddifficultto follow.他的讲座复杂又难懂。 followverb(READ)[T]toreadthenotesor words of apieceofmusicor writing at the sametimeas they are beingplayedor said 跟唱;跟读 followverb(SOCIAL MEDIA)[T]If you follow aparticularpersonon asocialmediawebsite(= awebsitewherepeoplecanpublishtheirthoughts,photographs,informationabout themselves etc.), youchoosetoseeeverything thatpersonposts(=publishes)on thewebsite. (在社交媒体上)跟进;成为粉丝 Idiomsfollowyournose follow insb'sfootsteps Phrasal verbsfollow on follow(sth)through follow through followsthup follow| American Dictionaryfollowverb(MOVE AFTER)[I/T]tomovealong after someone or something, or tomovealong arouteorpath: [T]Thedogfollowed ushome. [I]Hedroveaheadand we followed inourowncar. [T]Follow thisroadfor the next twomiles. [I/T]To follow someone is also tomovealong after apersoninordertowatchwhere thatpersonis going: [T]She had thefeelingshe was being followed. followverb(HAPPEN AFTER)[I/T]tohappenafter somethingelseinorderortime: [I]We were notpreparedfor what followed. [T]Areceptionwill follow themeeting, sopleasestay. followverb(OBEY)[T]toobeysomeone, or toactaccordingto something: Follow theinstructionsin taking themedicine. Idecidedto follow heradvice. If you follow thesigns, you will have notroublefindingtheairport. followverb(UNDERSTAND)Hespokesorapidlywe couldhardlyfollow what he said. followverb(INTERESTED IN)[T]to beactivelyinterestedin something, or to giveyourattentionto something: Do you followfootball? We’ve followed herpoliticalcareerfor manyyears. followverb(BE RESULT)[I]tohappenas aresult, or to be alikelyresult: [+ that clause]Fuelpricesfortransportinggoodshaveincreased, so it would follow that thosepricesare gettingpassedon tocustomers. Idiomsfollow insomeone’sfootsteps followyournose follow suit Phrasal verbsfollow through followsomethingup (Definition offollowfrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)[IorT]tohappenor come after something: Moremergersarelikelyto follow. October'sincreasefollowed a 1.6%riseinoutputinSeptember. Thebondsrecoveredafter someinitialsellingfollowingnewsof theproposedmerger. Government macro-economicpolicyencouragedaconsumerboomfollowed byadeeprecession. [T]toobeyinstructionsor to do somethingaccordingto aplanor someone'sadvice: Theshelvesareeasytoassembleif youfollowtheinstructionscarefully. follow orders/adviceBy followingouradvice,clientsshouldsaveat least £770 ayear. follow a policy/a procedure/guidelinesAt theenquiryinto thecrash, theairlinesaid thatnormalprocedurehad been followed. [T]towatchsomethingcloselytoseehow itdevelops: Heworksfor agroupofWallStreetanalystswho followinternetstocksclosely. [IorT]to do the same thing as someone: They were the first tointroduceonlineordering, but othercompanieshave beenquickto follow. follow sb's example/leadWhen thecompanyannouncesitspriceincreases, many ofitscompetitorsareexpectedto followitslead. [I](alsofollow on)to besentorpaidat alaterdate: Yourbankcardwillarrivefirst, and thePINnumberwill follow, in aseparateenvelope. as follows used tointroducealistof things: Ourmainaimsare as follows: 1.efficiency2.valueformoney3.quality. follow a career, occupation, trade, etc. Thecompanyhas anopendoorpolicytomatureentrantswho have followedalternativecareerpaths. follow suit to do the same as someoneelse: Weexpectthatfundmanagerswill take aleadby coming out infavourof one of thebanks, at whichpointundecidedinvestorswill followsuit. Phrasal verbsfollow through (on/with sth) follow sth up follow sth up with sth (Definition offollowfrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)Examplesoffollowfollow The rest of the paper is organized as follows.From theCambridge English Corpus The plan of the paper is as follows.From theCambridge English Corpus The structure of the paper is as follows.From theCambridge English Corpus The corresponding notion of model is as follows.From theCambridge English Corpus The organisation of the paper is as follows.From theCambridge English Corpus We see that this is true as follows.From theCambridge English Corpus In the following we focus on the interpretation of the nominalisations.From theCambridge English Corpus The rest of this paper is organized as follows.From theCambridge English Corpus The remainder of the paper is organized as follows.From theCambridge English Corpus The rest of the paper is organised as follows.From theCambridge English Corpus But we cannotfollowthe path of verismo.From theCambridge English Corpus So the first conclusion in this chain argument does notfollow.From theCambridge English Corpus I don't want anyone to fail in following my orders.From theCambridge English Corpus The plan of our article is as follows.From theCambridge English Corpus The divisibility of n by 8 follows from the formula n = 4sm.From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/follow## |