(alsoout-duel)uk/ˌaʊtˈdʒuː.əl/us/ˌaʊtˈduː.əl/UK-ll-orUS-l-tobeatanopponentin arace,game, orcompetition:
Sheregularlyoutduels me on thetrackbut incross-countryracestoo.
It was anepicchessgame, but in the end Imanagedto outduel him.
- He was anexperiencedpitcherbut was out-duelled lastTuesdaybytheirbighitters.
- Thefinalswerethrillingwith theRedsoutduelling the Blues in thedecider.
- The Superbowl wasthrillingthatday, with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers outdueling the Kansas CityChiefs.
- It waswidelyagreedthat she had out-duelled hermainrivalin thedebate.
Competing in sport
- bring
- bringsomeoneon
- bye
- bye week
- catchup
- clash
- defend
- duel
- field
- flying start
- gear
- go the distanceidiom
- match
- non-competitor
- park the busidiom
- partner up
- play bigidiom
- play sb onidiom
- square
- weigh