tomoveatrainorcarriageonto a differenttrackin or near astationusing aspecialrailwayenginedesignedfor thispurpose
使(火车或车厢)转轨Railways: trains & parts of trains
- baggage car
- bogie
- boiler
- boxcar
- bullet train
- caboose
- carriage
- choo-choo
- coach
- diesel
- emergency cord
- footplate
- freight car
- guard's van
- maglev train
- puffer train
- rolling stock
- shunter
- sleeping car
- truck
[Tusually+ adv/prep]
tomovesomeone or something from oneplaceto another, usually because thatpersonor thing is notwanted, and withoutconsideringanyunpleasanteffects:
把…转至,调往(另一地方)Ispentmost of mychildhoodbeing shunted(about) betweenmyparentswho haddivorcedwhen I was five.我5岁时父母离异,童年的大部分时间都辗转在离婚的父母之间。
He shunts hiskidsoffto acampeverysummer.他每年夏天都送孩子们去参加夏令营。
Viewers aresickoftheirfavouritesitcomsbeing shuntedtolatertimesto make way forlivesportscoverage.因现场直播体育比赛而把深受观众喜欢的情景喜剧往后推迟,许多人对此表示不满。
Transferring and transporting objects
- bear
- bearer
- bike
- bike rack
- bore
- borne
- bring
- budge
- bus
- call forsomeone
- convey
- haul
- portage
- post-delivery
- putsomething/someonedown
- redeliver
- redelivery
- transplant
- transport
- transportation
aholeorpassagethatallowsliquidtomovefrom onepartof thebodyto another, eitherfoundnaturallyin thebodyor put into thebodyin anoperation:
(身体不同部分之间自然或通过手术开启的可让液体流动的)通路Thedoctorhadtroublefindingaveintoinsertthe shunt.
Anestimated50% of all shuntsfailwithin twoyears,requiringfurthersurgerytoreplacethe shunts.
- Theneurosurgeoncanplacea shunt todivertspinalfluidunderpressure.
- The man had had a shuntinsertedinto hisheadtodrainawayfluid.
- Atotalof 63 shunts wereperformedin 57patients.
Substances & structures in the body
- abductor
- accessorius
- adductor
- adenoid
- agonist
- gracilis
- grey matter
- groove
- gyrus
- hallucis
- oxytocin
- papilla
- papillary
- parietal
- pecten
- vesica
- vesical
- vesicle
- vestibular
- vestibule
acaraccidentin which onevehicledrivesinto the back of another:
Theaccidentwas his secondhigh-speedshunt.
He gave me aliftlastnightbecause I had a little shunt in my newcar.
a traffic accident
- accidentAn accident on the M11 is blocking traffic in a northerly direction.
- collisionPolice responded to the collision and closed the road.
- head-onBoth drivers were injured in the head-on collision.
- shuntUKMy insurance company refused to pay out after my little shunt.
- crashA serious crash on the motorway yesterday led to its closure for two hours.
- car crashHe died in a car crash.
- This was aminorshunt withbentbumpers, not ahead-onsmash.
- Irememberwhen I had my firstpropershunt in aracingcar.
- Theracewasdelayedfor more than 30minutesfollowinga five-car shunt.
On the road: accidents involving vehicles
- anti-collision
- bird strike
- brake
- car crash
- crash-landing
- cropper
- derail
- derailment
- overshoot
- prang
- rear-end
- road toll
- roadkill
- rubbernecking
- run(something)intosomething/someone
- runsomeone/somethingdown
- sideswipe
- stack
- stack up