food pantry
USuk/ˈfuːd ˌpæn.tri/us/ˈfuːd ˌpæn.tri/aplacewherefoodis given topeoplewho do not have enoughmoneytobuyit, forexampleby acharity:
(慈善机构等的)食品分发站,公益食品仓库Foodpantriesandhomelesssheltersarereportingarisein the use oftheirservices.食品分发站和无家可归者收容所报告说,使用他们服务的人数有所增加。
If you have more than you can use,contributetoyourlocalfoodpantry.如果你有多余的食品,贡献给你当地的公益食品仓库。
food bank
- Only aquarterof thepeoplewho use the state'sfoodpantriesreceivegovernmentfoodstamps,accordingto astudyreleasedyesterday.
- Homelessshelters,foodpantries,hospitals, andchurchescannotsustainthesurgeindefinitely.
- For twodecadesBea Gaddyranaprivatelyfundedfoodpantryout of herrowhouse.
Organizations - charities
- aid
- benevolence
- benevolent
- benevolent society
- button day
- charitable
- charity
- charity begins at homeidiom
- charity box
- foreign aid
- foundation
- friend
- non-profit
- non-profit-making
- not-for-profit
- pearly king
- pearly queen
- the Peace Corps
- the Red Crescent
- voluntary