organ donation
uk/ˈɔː.ɡən dəʊˌneɪ.ʃən/us/ˈɔːr.ɡən doʊˌneɪ.ʃən/theactof apersongivingpermissionfor apartoftheirbodyto be taken, while they arealiveor after they aredead, and put into someone else'sbodytoreplaceanorganthat is notworkingcorrectly:
器官捐赠,器官捐献Theorganizationwantstoraiseawarenessoforgandonationand toencourageyoungpeopletobecomedonors.该组织希望提高人们对器官捐赠的认识,并鼓励年轻人成为捐赠者。
- Unliketissueandorgandonation, there are noupperagelimitsfor givingyourbodytoscience.
- In herresearch, she had comeacrossarelativelynewmedicalprocedureknownasliveorgandonation, in which ahealthydonorhassurgerytoremoveabouthalfof theliver, which is thenplacedin arecipient.
- At thetimeNickdied, Italy had thelowestorgandonationrateinEurope; it has sincetripled,thanksinpartto thepressattentionNick'sgiftreceived.
Medical treatment: surgery
- a nip and tuckidiom
- ablate
- adrenalectomy
- amputation
- amputee
- anaesthesiology
- anaesthetize
- excise
- implantable
- implantation
- incision
- interoperative
- intraoperative
- knife
- sex reassignment surgery
- snip
- splenectomy
- spreader
- stereotactic
- transfusion
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Medical treatment: treating & caring for people