organ donor
uk/ˈɔː.ɡən ˌdəʊ.nər/us/ˈɔːr.ɡən ˌdoʊ.nɚ/apersonwho givespermissionfor apartoftheirbodyto be taken, while they arealiveor after they aredead, and put into someone else'sbodytoreplaceanorganthat is notworkingcorrectly:
器官捐赠者,器官捐献者Families ofpatientsdeclaredbraindeadcouldoverridethat person'sdecisionto be anorgandonor.被宣布为脑死亡的病人家属可以推翻此人捐献器官的决定。
There's nodenyingthatlivingorgandonors, forexamplekidneydonors, put themselves atriskbyundergoingsurgery.不可否认,活体器官捐献者,例如肾脏捐献者,会因为接受手术而给自己带来危险。
- Theprocessforbecominganorgandonorvariesfromstatetostate.
- Patients - nottheirfamilies- will have thefinalsay aboutbecomingorgandonorsunder a newpolicy.
- Themedicalprofessionbeganscreeningbloodandorgandonorsfor Hepatitis C in about 1992.
Medical treatment: people who receive medical treatment
- asthmatic
- case
- casualty
- convalescent
- day patient
- donor
- epileptic
- health tourist
- injured
- invalid
- medical tourist
- non-responder
- outpatient
- post-op
- sick
- sufferer
- under
- wounded