uk/fəˈbɪd/us/fɚˈbɪd/present participleforbidding|past tenseforbadeorold useforbad|past participleforbiddenB2
torefusetoallowsomething,especiallyofficially, or topreventaparticularplanofactionby making itimpossible:
(尤指官方)禁止,不许,阻止,妨碍Thelawforbids thesaleofcigarettestopeopleunder theageof 16.法律禁止向16岁以下的未成年人出售香烟。
[+ to infinitive]He'sobviouslyreallyembarrassedabout it because he forbade metotellanyone.他显然对此非常不好意思,因为他不许我告诉任何人。
He is forbiddenfromleavingthecountry.他被禁止离境。
to forbid someone or something
- forbidHe grew up in a strict household where dating was forbidden.
- disallowUpon review, the goal was disallowed.
- banThe government has banned the sale of lead-based paint.
- prohibitVehicles are prohibited from parking on the grass.
- I forbid you tomarryhim!
- Diplomaticetiquetteforbidscallingfor thedeathof anationalleader.
- She does a lot ofworkforcharities, but hermodestyforbids her fromtalkingabout it.
- City Ordinance 126 forbidscarparkingin thisareaof New York.
- Sheobtainedarestrainingorderforbidding herpartnerfromseeingtheirtwochildren.
Forbidding and banning things
- abolish
- abolition
- abolitionist
- anti-censorship
- ban
- curfew
- debar
- decertification
- decertify
- deny
- disallow
- off-limits
- out of boundsidiom
- outlaw
- prohibit
- prohibition
- unauthorized
- unkosher
- verboten
- veto
God forbid