释义 |
forcenoun(PHYSICAL)B2[U]physical,especiallyviolent,strength, orpower: 力,力量;力气;(尤指)暴力,武力 The force of thewindhadbroughtdown agreatmanytreesin thearea.强风刮倒了这一地区的许多树木。 Sheslappedhisfacewithunexpectedforce.她扇了他一耳光,出乎意料地用力。 Teachers aren'tallowedto use force in theclassroom.老师管教学生时禁止使用体罚。 Thepolicewereabletocontrolthecrowdbysheerforceofnumbers(= because there were morepolicethan there werepeoplein thecrowd).警方完全依靠人数上的优势才控制住了人群。 in force Photographers were out in force at theWhiteHousetoday.许多摄影师今天出现在王宫。 See more[CorU]specializedinscientificuse, (ameasureof) theinfluencethatchangesmovement: (物理学上的)力;(力的)强度 join/combine forces C2toworkwith someoneelseinordertoachievesomething that you bothwant: 合力,协力,合作 Britainand France were bothworkingondevelopingasupersonicaircraftwhen theydecidedtojoinforces in 1962. See more- In the end she usedbruteforce topushhim out.
- Therockethas toworkagainst the force ofgravity.
- Thepolicewere out in force at thefootballmatch.
- Theaccelerationof abodyequalsthe forceexertedon itdividedbyitsmass.
- The force of thewaveswaserodingthecliffface.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesPhysics: energy, force & power - anti-gravity
- atmospheric pressure
- attract
- attraction
- bar magnet
- barometric pressure
- frictionless
- fundamental force
- G-force
- gravitational
- high-impact
- meltdown
- propulsion
- stored energy
- strong force
- surface tension
- thermodynamic
- transduce
- transduction
- unexcited
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: forcenoun(INFLUENCE)C2[CorU](apersonor thing with a lot of)influenceandenergy: 影响;活力;影响大的人(或事物) He was apowerfulforce inpolitics.他曾是政坛上举足轻重的人物。 Fishermen are always at themercyofthe forces ofnature(=badweatherconditions).渔夫们总是听天由命。 a force to be reckoned with C2If anorganizationor apersonisdescribedas a force to bereckonedwith, itmeansthat they arepowerfuland have a lot ofinfluence: 不可小视的一支力量 TheUnitedNationsis now a force to bereckonedwith.联合国现在是一个不可小视的组织。 See morea force of nature a thing that has astrongnaturalpowerthat cannot becontrolledbyhumans, or thepoweritself: We are stilllearninghowriverscutthroughrockand about the forces ofnatureinvolved. Earthquakes,floods, andvolcaniceruptionsservetoremindus of theawfulforce ofnature. someone who has a verystrongpersonality, with a lot ofenergy: At theageof 87, she is still a force ofnature. With 12goalsin 4games, itseemsthat nothing canstopthiselementalforce ofnature. force of habit If you do something out of force ofhabit, you do it withoutthinkingbecause you have done it so manytimesbefore: 习惯力量I justlockedthedoorthrough force ofhabit, notthinkingthat Julia wouldn't beableto get in. See more- Ambition can sometimes be a force for good.
- Since thegovernmentlimitedtheirpowers, theunionsare nolongera force to bereckonedwith.
- InBritainand theUSAin the 1970s, theundergroundwas apowerfulsubversiveforce.
- Theclubused to be asignificantforce inEuropeanfootball.
- Itseemsas though forces ofdestructionareincreasinglyatworkthroughoutsociety.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesPeople in charge of or controlling other people - acephalous
- administrator
- anti-management
- authority
- bureaucrat
- conservator
- controller
- council
- counter-power
- dean
- lord
- management
- manipulator
- mistress
- the thought police
- too many chiefs and not enough Indiansidiom
- top dog
- troika
- tsar
- yourlord and masteridiom
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Having a powerful effect Energetic and lively Stubborn and determined people forcenoun(GROUP)B2[C]agroupofpeopleorganizedandtrained,especiallyfor aparticularpurpose: (尤指)武装部队,部队;警察部门;(为某目的组织起来的)一群人 thesecurityforces安保部队 theworkforce劳动大军 Hejoinedthepoliceforcerightaftergraduating.他从学校一毕业就当了警察。 the forces[plural]mainlyUK themilitaryorganizationsforair,land, andsea: (海陆空三军)武装力量The forces aremovingtowards the country'scapital. See more- Intheireffortstoreducecrimethegovernmentexpandedthepoliceforce.
- Securityforceshaltedthedemonstratorsbyblockingtheroad.
- Thereductioninarmedforces will bephasedover the next tenyears.
- Governmenttroopssweptasidetherebelforces.
- 60percentof theworkforcevotedforstrikeaction.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesParts of armies & groups of servicemen - battalion
- bomb disposal
- bomb squad
- cadre
- Coast Guardsman
- corps
- Cossack
- detachment
- Guards
- militia
- non-combatant
- paratroops
- patrol
- rearguard
- squad
- squadron
- the Coast Guard
- the Marine Corps
- troop
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Emergency services in general forcenoun(IN OPERATION)in/into force C2(oflaws,rules, orsystems)existingand being used: (法律、规定或制度)已生效/开始实施 Newdrivingregulationsare going tocomeinto force thisyear.新的驾驶规章今年开始实施。 See moreforcenoun(BASEBALL)[C]inbaseball, anoccasionwhen aplayeris put out when they have torunto the nextbase(= one of the fourpositionson asquarethat aplayermustreachtoscoreapoint)because anotherplayerontheirteamisrunningto thebasewhere they arestanding: There was achanceto get a force at secondbase. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesBaseball & rounders - at batidiom
- ballgame
- ballplayer
- base hit
- bases
- doctor
- fish
- flare
- fly
- foul
- frame
- peg
- pitcher
- second base
- shag
- shortstop
- slugger
- sock
- stickball
- strike
See more results » forceverb[T](GIVE NO CHOICE)B2to make somethinghappenor make someone do somethingdifficult,unpleasant, orunusual,especiallybythreateningor notofferingthepossibilityofchoice: 强迫,迫使 [+ to infinitive]I really have to force myselftobeniceto him.我确实得要强迫自己才能做到对他和颜悦色。 [+ to infinitive]You can't force hertomake adecision.你不能强迫她作决定。 Hospitals are being forcedtoclosedepartmentsbecause oflackofmoney.由于缺乏资金,医院正被迫关闭部分诊疗科。 You couldtellhe was having to forcebackthetears(=stophimself fromcrying).你能看得出他在强忍着泪水。 I didn'tactuallywantany moredessert, but Julia forced itonme(= made meacceptit).我其实不想再要甜点了,但是朱莉亚硬要我吃。 I couldn'tstayattheirflat- I'dfeelas if I was forcing myselfonthem(= making themallowme tostay).我没法呆在他们的公寓——我会觉得好像是自己在勉强他们留我一样。 You nevertellme how you'refeeling- I have to force itout ofyou(= make youtellme)!你从不告诉我你的感受——我要逼你说才行! biology,food & drinkspecializedIfplantsorvegetablesare forced, they are made togrowfasterbyartificiallycontrollinggrowingconditionssuch as theamountofheatandlight: 催熟,加速植物生长(通过人为改变植物生长环境,如光热程度等) force a laugh/smile tomanage, withdifficulty, tolaughorsmile: 挤出一丝笑容,强颜欢笑Imanagedto force asmileas they wereleaving.他们离开时,我强装笑颜。 See moreforce an/the issue to takeactionto makecertainthat anurgentproblemormatterisdealtwith now: 迫使问题得到解决If themanagementwouldn'tlistentotheirdemands, they would have to force theissuebystriking.如果管理层不理会他们的要求,他们就不得不通过罢工来迫使问题得到解决。 See more- The newtaxwould forcecompaniestoadoptenergy-savingmeasures.
- Hospitals are being forced toclosedepartmentsbecause oflackofmoney.
- Therecessionis forcing thecompanytorationalize.
- Doctors are being forced toworkimpossiblylonghours.
- It's only amatteroftimebefore he's forced toresign.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesCausing somebody to act - arm-twisting
- bludgeon
- bounce
- bouncesomeoneintosomething
- bulldoze
- bully
- forcibly
- holdsomeoneto ransomidiom
- impel
- impose
- jolt
- railroad
- ramsomethingintosomeone
- ransom
- reduce
- reducesomeonetosomething
- reimpose
- reimposition
- slap
- squeeze
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Gardening - general words forceverb[T](USE PHYSICAL POWER)C2to usephysicalstrengthoreffortto make somethingmoveoropen: 用力移动;强行打开 Moveyourlegupgentlywhen you're doing thisexercise, but don't force it.在做这一动作时把腿轻轻往上抬,但不要用力。 If you force thezip, it'llbreak.如果你使劲拉拉链,会拉坏的。 She forced her way through thecrowd.她在人群中挤出一条路。 tobreakalock,door,window, etc. inordertoallowsomeone to get in: 砸开(锁、门、窗等),把…撬开Iforgotmykey, so I had to force awindow.我忘带钥匙了,只好撬窗进去。 [+ adj]Thepolicehad forcedopenthedoorbecause nobody hadanswered.因为没人应门,警察强行将门砸开了。 Theburglarforcedanentry(=brokeawindow,door, etc. to get into thehouse).那个窃贼破门而入。 - Thecrowdmanagedto forceitsway in bysheerweightofnumbers.
- Thethievesforced one of theshopwindowsopenwith acrowbar.
- Helmeted, baton-wieldingpoliceforced back thecrowd.
- Pieces ofstonecan besplitoff by forcingwedgesbetween thelayers.
- Thewaterpressureforces thepistoninto thechamber.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesPushing and shoving - bat
- batsomething/someoneaway
- bring
- bringsomeonedown
- bundle
- defenestrate
- dig
- elbow
- goad
- heave
- nudge
- poke
- poke/digsomeonein the ribsidiom
- prod
- propel
- push
- push off
- rib
- shoulder
- upset
See more results » (Definition offorcefrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)forcenoun(PHYSICAL)B2[U]physical,especiallyviolent,strength, orpower 力,力量;力气;(尤指)暴力,武力The force of thewindhadbroughtdown agreatmanytreesin thearea.强风刮倒了这一地区的许多树木。 Sheslappedhisfacewithunexpectedforce.她扇了他一耳光,出乎意料地用力。 Teachers aren'tallowedto use force in theclassroom.老师管教学生时禁止使用体罚。 Thepolicewereabletocontrolthecrowdbysheerforceofnumbers(= because there were morepolicethan there werepeoplein thecrowd).警方完全依靠人数上的优势才控制住了人群。 in force 众多地,大批地Photographers were out in force at the White House today.许多摄影师今天出现在王宫。 [CorU]specializedinscientificuse, (ameasureof) theinfluencethatchangesmovement (物理学上的)力;(力的)强度the force ofgravity重力 combine/join forces C2toworkwith someoneelseinordertoachievesomething that you bothwant 合力,协力,合作 - In the end she usedbruteforce topushhim out.
- Therockethas toworkagainst the force ofgravity.
- Thepolicewere out in force at thefootballmatch.
- Theaccelerationof abodyequalsthe forceexertedon itdividedbyitsmass.
- The force of thewaveswaserodingthecliffface.
forcenoun(INFLUENCE)C2[CorU](apersonor thing with a lot of)influenceandenergy 影响;活力;影响大的人(或事物)He was apowerfulforce inpolitics.他曾是政坛上举足轻重的人物。 Fishermen are always at themercyofthe forces ofnature(=badweatherconditions).渔夫们总是听天由命。 a force to be reckoned with C2If anorganizationor apersonisdescribedas a force to bereckonedwith, itmeansthat they arepowerfuland have a lot ofinfluence. 不可小视的一支力量The United Nations is now a force to bereckonedwith.联合国现在是一个不可小视的组织。 force of habit If you do something out of force ofhabit, you do it withoutthinkingbecause you have done it so manytimesbefore. 习惯力量 - Ambition can sometimes be a force for good.
- Since thegovernmentlimitedtheirpowers, theunionsare nolongera force to bereckonedwith.
- InBritainand the USA in the 1970s, theundergroundwas apowerfulsubversiveforce.
- Theclubused to be asignificantforce inEuropeanfootball.
- Itseemsas though forces ofdestructionareincreasinglyatworkthroughoutsociety.
forcenoun(GROUP)B2[C]agroupofpeopleorganizedandtrained,especiallyfor aparticularpurpose (尤指)武装部队,部队;警察部门;(为某目的组织起来的)一群人thesecurityforces安保部队 theworkforce劳动大军 Hejoinedthepoliceforcerightaftergraduating.他从学校一毕业就当了警察。 the forces[plural] themilitaryorganizationsforair,land, andsea (海陆空三军)武装力量 - Intheireffortstoreducecrimethegovernmentexpandedthepoliceforce.
- Security forceshaltedthedemonstratorsbyblockingtheroad.
- Thereductioninarmedforces will bephasedover the next tenyears.
- Governmenttroopssweptasidetherebelforces.
- 60percentof theworkforcevotedforstrikeaction.
forcenoun(IN OPERATION)in/into force C2(oflaws,rules, orsystems)existingand being used (法律、规定或制度)已生效/开始实施Newdrivingregulationsare going tocomeinto force thisyear.新的驾驶规章今年开始实施。 - Many of theseproblemsmaysimplyfadeintoirrelevancewhen the newrulescome into force.
- The newlawcomes into force at the end of themonth.
- Speedrestrictionsare in force along thisstretchof therailwayline.
- Thebanonhandgunscame into force lastyear.
- Acurfewhas been in force since theriotsinAugust.
forceverb[T](GIVE NO CHOICE)B2to make somethinghappenor make someone do somethingdifficult,unpleasant, orunusual,especiallybythreateningor notofferingthepossibilityofchoice 强迫,迫使[+ to infinitive]I really have to force myselftobeniceto him.我确实得要强迫自己才能做到对他和颜悦色。 [+ to infinitive]You can't force hertomake adecision.你不能强迫她作决定。 Hospitals are being forcedtoclosedepartmentsbecause oflackofmoney.由于缺乏资金,医院正被迫关闭部分诊疗科。 You couldtellhe was having to forcebackthetears(=stophimself fromcrying).你能看得出他在强忍着泪水。 I didn'tactuallywantany moredessert, but Julia forced itonme(= made meacceptit).我其实不想再要甜点了,但是朱莉亚硬要我吃。 I couldn'tstayattheirflat- I'dfeelas if I was forcing myselfonthem(= making themallowme tostay).我没法呆在他们的公寓——我会觉得好像是自己在勉强他们留我一样。 You nevertellme how you'refeeling- I have to force itout ofyou(= make youtellme)!你从不告诉我你的感受——我要逼你说才行! biology,food & drinkspecializedIfplantsorvegetablesare forced, they are made togrowfasterbyartificiallycontrollinggrowingconditionssuch as theamountofheatandlight. 催熟,加速植物生长(通过人为改变植物生长环境,如光热程度等)forcedstrawberries催熟的草莓 force a laugh/smile tomanage, withdifficulty, tolaughorsmile 挤出一丝笑容,强颜欢笑Imanagedto force asmileas they wereleaving.他们离开时,我强装笑颜。 force an/the issue to takeactionto makecertainthat anurgentproblemormatterisdealtwith now 迫使问题得到解决If themanagementwouldn'tlistentotheirdemands, they would have to force theissuebystriking.如果管理层不理会他们的要求,他们就不得不通过罢工来迫使问题得到解决。 - The newtaxwould forcecompaniestoadoptenergy-savingmeasures.
- Hospitals are being forced toclosedepartmentsbecause oflackofmoney.
- Therecessionis forcing thecompanytorationalize.
- Doctors are being forced toworkimpossiblylonghours.
- It's only amatteroftimebefore he's forced toresign.
forceverb[T](USE PHYSICAL POWER)C2to usephysicalstrengthoreffortto make somethingmoveoropen 用力移动;强行打开Moveyourlegupgentlywhen you're doing thisexercise, but don't force it.在做这一动作时把腿轻轻往上抬,但不要用力。 If you force thezip, it'llbreak.如果你使劲拉拉链,会拉坏的。 She forced her way through thecrowd.她在人群中挤出一条路。 tobreakalock,door,window, etc. inordertoallowsomeone to get in 砸开(锁、门、窗等),把…撬开Iforgotmykey, so I had to force awindow.我忘带钥匙了,只好撬窗进去。 [+ adj]Thepolicehad forcedopenthedoorbecause nobody hadanswered.因为没人应门,警察强行将门砸开了。 Theburglarforcedanentry(=brokeawindow,door, etc. to get into thehouse).那个窃贼破门而入。 - Thecrowdmanagedto forceitsway in bysheerweightofnumbers.
- Thethievesforced one of theshopwindowsopenwith acrowbar.
- Helmeted, baton-wieldingpoliceforced back thecrowd.
- Pieces ofstonecan besplitoff by forcingwedgesbetween thelayers.
- Thewaterpressureforces thepistoninto thechamber.
force| American Dictionaryforcenoun(PHYSICAL POWER)[C/U]physical, oftenviolent,strengthorpower: [U]The force of thewindknockeddown manytreesduring thehurricane. [U]She had to use force to get theoldwindowopen. [C/U]physicsA force is apowerthatcausesanobjecttomoveor thatchangesmovement. forcenoun(INFLUENCE)[C/U]stronginfluenceandenergy, or apersonwithstronginfluenceandenergy: [U]Thesheerforce of her wordskepttheaudiencegluedtotheirseats. [C]He was apowerfulforce innationalpoliticsfor 30years. forcenoun(POWER TO CONTROL)[C/U]powerto make someone do something, or to make somethinghappen,esp. withoutofferingthepossibilityofchoice: forcenoun(MILITARY)[C]anorganizedandtrainedmilitarygroup: thearmedforces the Air Force UN forcescontinuetoprovidereliefin thewar-tornregion. [C]Force is alsomilitarystrength. forcenoun(GROUP)[C]agroupofpeoplewho do the samejob: asalesforce thepoliceforce [C]If apersonorgroupjoinsorcombinesforces with anotherpersonorgroup, theyagreetoworktogether. Idiomsa force to be reckoned with by force of habit in force forceverb[T](USE PHYSICAL POWER)to usephysicalstrengthoreffortto make somethingmoveoropen: If thepiecewon’tfitin thehole, don’t force it. He forced his way through thecrowdtoreachtheexit. To force alock,door,window, etc., is tobreakit inorderto get in: Iforgotmyhousekey, so I had to force awindow. forceverb[T](MAKE DO UNWILLINGLY)to make someone do something, or make somethinghappen,esp. bythreateningor notofferingthepossibilityofchoice: Ihatestringbeans, so I had to force myself toeatthem. [+ to infinitive]Anderson was forced toleavethegamewith abruisedknee. I didn’tactuallywantany moredessert, but Julia forced it on me. Ifcallershaveinformationabout thecrimeand would like to givetheirnamesthat isfine, but we’re not going to force theissue(= make them givetheirnames). (Definition offorcefrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)[C,usually singular]apersonor thing with a lot ofinfluence,power, orenergy: a dominant/major/powerful forceThetakeoverwillcreateapowerfulnew force in Britain'sfoodretailindustry. commercial/competitive/economic forcesPotentcommercialforces arebringingthehydrogeneconomyalongfasterthan anyonethoughtpossible. a force for change/goodThemovementofworktodevelopingeconomiesmust be a force for good. [C]agroupofpeopleorganizedandtrainedfor aparticularpurpose: Thecompanysoonhad asalesforcedistributedacrossEurope. [U]theinfluenceorauthorityof something: They madesuretheministerfeltthefullforce ofbusinessresentmentat the government's newworkplacelaws. It was not until thesummerthat theadvertisingcampaigngainedforce. Thesebuildingcodesdo not havethe force oflaw. See alsodriving force labour force market forces sales force task force workforce in force iflaws,rules, orsystemsare in force, they are being used: Thenoticeliststheimportdutiesandtaxescurrentlyin force. a force to be reckoned with apowerfulpersonororganizationwith a lot ofinfluence: Thecompanyisfastbecominga force to bereckonedwith on theglobaltelecomscene. combine/join forces toworkwith someone inordertoachievesomething you bothwant: The twocompanies, oneDutchthe otherFrench, have justjoinedforces toexploittheEuropeanmarketfor petfood. come into/enter into force whenlaws,rules, orsystemscome into force, theystartbeing used: Thefinalstageofmeasurestoimproveaccesstoworkfordisabledemployeescomes into forcetomorrow. to make apersonor anorganizationdo something that they do notwantto do: force sb/sth to do sthThearrivalof the newsupermarkethas forcedlocalbusinessestoraisetheirwagestocompete. force sb/sth into sthHeavylawschooldebtfrequentlyforcesgraduatesinto high-payingjobsatprivatefirms, whereintensedeadlinesandgrindinghoursareroutine. force sb/sth into doing sthCustomers are being forced intobankingbyphoneor over theinternet. to make somethinghappen,especiallysomething thatpeopledo notwanttohappen: Theeconomicslowdownhas forced a secondweekoftemporaryclosure. Thegovernmentthreatenedtoforce anagreementbetweenbanksandretailersfor a newsystem. force sb's hand to make someone do something they do notwantto do or do somethingsoonerthan they hadintended: Thechangingdynamicsof thediamondbusinessarebeginningto force the company'shand. Phrasal verbsforce sth down force sth up force sb out force sth out (of sth) (Definition offorcefrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press) #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/force## |