(alsoout-learn)uk/ˌaʊtˈlɜːn/us/ˌaʊtˈlɝːn/past tense and past participleoutlearnedorUKalsooutlearnttolearnmore than someoneelseor tolearnmorequicklyor moreeffectivelythan them:
In the secondexperiment, bilinguals again outlearnedEnglishmonolinguals for theartificiallanguage.
- Whenstart-upshavevaluableknowledge, theyriskbeing outlearned bybiggercorporations.
- Thestudysuggeststhatstudentsinhybridclassroomsoutlearntheirpeersintraditionalclasses.
- Thecompaniesthat willsucceedtoday are those thatconsistentlyout-learntheircompetition.
Learning & knowing
- absorptive capacity
- academy
- acquire
- acquisition
- assimilate
- autodidact
- extension
- familiar
- journey
- non-academic
- non-library
- onboard
- onboarding
- pick
- sit
- uncultured
- unlearnable
- unteachable
- upskill
- upskilling