fourth wall
theatre & filmspecializeduk/ˌfɔːθ ˈwɔːl/us/ˌfɔːrθ ˈwɑːl/animaginarywallthatseparatestheaudiencefrom theactionof astageplayorfilm, which is said to bebrokenwhen anactortalksdirectlyto theaudienceorstartstalkingas themselvesratherthan astheircharacter:
第四道墙,第四面墙(将观众与舞台分开的一道想象的墙。当演员直接与观众交流,或者以他们自己而不是其扮演的角色说话时,这堵墙即被打破)Several of thecharactersin "House"breakthe fourthwallandaddressusdirectly.《豪斯医生》中的几个人物打破了第四道墙,直接跟我们交流。
- Sheseamlesslybreaksthrough the fourthwallat onepoint, andplayswith theaudience.
- Heshowsakeeninstinctfor how toserveadramaticsituation, how tobringanaudiencethrough the fourthwallof astageto the verysoulof thematter.
- Hitchoutilizesthespacewell by makingeyecontactwith theaudiencetodrawthem into thescene,thuseliminatingthe usuallyimpenetrabletheatricalfourthwall.
- The film-makereventuallysmashesthe fourthwalland has hisleadactorbreakcharactertoaskthedirectorwhere thestoryis going.
Cinema & theatre: parts of plays, shows & films
- act
- beat
- blooper reel
- byplay
- coup de théâtre
- curtain call
- denouement
- dream sequence
- exeunt
- exit
- finale
- flashback
- interval
- MacGuffin
- meet-cute
- scene
- set piece
- showstopper
- stage direction
- wrap party