formaluk/rɪˈɡres/us/rɪˈɡres/regressverb[I](RETURN TO WORSE STATE)
toreturnto apreviousand lessadvancedorworsestate,condition, or way ofbehaving:
退步;退化;倒退Shesufferedbraindamagefrom thecaraccidentand regressedtothementalageof a five-year-old.在那起汽车交通事故中,她的脑部受损,智商倒退到5岁孩子的水平。
He says thecityhas regressed intermsofparticipationinrecycling.
- It'salmostlike we've regressed to the 1950s.
- When hestoppedplayingsportshe regressed tooldhabitsandbecamemoredistant.
- In someareas, such as writingskillsamongmiddleschoolstudents,performanceseriouslyregressed.
Deteriorating and making worse
- add
- admin
- aggravate
- backslide
- be (all) downhillidiom
- debase
- deteriorate
- deterioration
- devaluation
- devalue
- disintegrate
- dog
- make matters worseidiom
- one step forward, two steps backidiom
- regression
- regressive
- relapse
- retrograde
- worse
- worsen
regressverb[I](GET BETTER)
(of anillnessoritssymptoms(=effects)) tobecomelesssevere:
Followingremovalof thetumour, all thesymptomsregressed.
Thediseasemay regress if thepatientstopssmoking.
- At thisstage, herclinicalsymptomshad regressed, herconvulsionshadstoppedand heractivitylevel,muscletone, andreflexeswerenormal.
- The lipoma regressedrelativelyrapidlyuntilsymptomshadcompletelydisappeared.
- They will betreatedaslongastheirdiseaseisstableor regressing.
Recovering from illness
- clear(something)up
- correct
- curability
- curative
- get oversomething/someone
- granulate
- healing
- hold
- recovery
- rehabilitation
- rehydrate
- remedial
- remission
- responsive
- responsiveness
- rest cure
- rose
- self-healing
- sleep
- therapeutic